Judge Dredd movie (2012)

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Re: New Judge Dredd movie

Tons of action? You call a few shootout sequence that last like a minute tons of action?

I do agree with you on that point The Raid though. The thugs in the movie sure can take beating that no normal human could but it doesn't change the fact that it is a hard pounding movie from start to finish. The payoff is there you see.

Dredd to me spends alot of time building up but never really giving the expected payoff. The ending while poetic is also anti-climatic. The corrupt judges put a nice spin on things but also lasted way to short. They should have really show up earlier, it would be exciting to have both judges being hunted by Ma Ma and the corrupt judges.

The only threat Dredd ever face was from those judges. Those perps got nothing on him. I never felt that Dredd was in any particular danger at all. The injury he took near the end was impactful but next thing you know, he is walking around like it doesn't matter.

You can say all you want on how other more expensive movies have got nothing on Dredd but apparently they do since they are making money and sequels are coming. Not that I am a fan of Avatar but one can't deny the commercial success of these movies.

Dredd is in conclusion a missed opportunity. Maybe they really should have find more money before making it. They took a gamble and it didn't pay off and now potentially really kill Dredd for good on the big screen.

That said, I like the movie yet at the same time, it is easy to see why it failed.

So you're suggesting the, "We'll keep re-releasing it until you like it!" method Cameron employs? :lol
Re: New Judge Dredd movie

How does a movie like Dredd 3D get categorized as not having enough action? The only issue was #1 its not as well known of a hero compared to batman / superman / avengers, # 2 it has basically no marketing, # 3 the trailer really looked boring. I remember when the trailer came out, articles were saying how the movie was a fail.

In a sense, it was doomed by nowadays standards. Using asian films' "action" to compare to something like this is not a good comparison imo. Kinda got it treat it as a seperate style film.
Re: New Judge Dredd movie

Action doesn't have to be shooting and fighting. The movie moves at an incredible pace.
Re: New Judge Dredd movie

I guess that is the problem with this movie. It is really only for fans. That is a sure ticket to box office failure.

I honestly do not know anything about Dredd other than what I read on wiki and that Stallone movie. After watching this movie, I still don't know anything about Dredd.

We just don't get invested in the character and his motivation. I mean sure, the city is horrible but then again I live in a third world country and it's nothing weird to me. Maybe it is really horrifying to you first world guys but over here is South East Asia, it's not much better.

My brother went to see this, he is not a Judge Dredd fan. He loved it, and as soon as he came out of the cinema he bought Judge Dredd: The Complete Case Files V. 1-3. A lot of my mates have seen it, none of them are fans, they were just sold by trailers.

Also, with regards to the Dredd character, even in the comics he isn't developed that much... The character oozes mystery, nobody knows much about him, why do you think they have deliberately never shown his face?
Re: New Judge Dredd movie

Such a shame Dredd has done badly in the States as it was doing really well in the UK, which I guess is understandable as it's based on a character who appears in a British comic, but it also was brave enough to have an 18 certificate. That being said I do think it will become a cult hit in years to come, even if it never gets a sequel.
Re: New Judge Dredd movie

^i'm guessing showing alongside "end of watch" kinda puts Dredd in a tough spot.
Re: New Judge Dredd movie

Enjoyed the movie.

Will go watch at least once more to show support.

Better than avatar any day of the week for me.

Tight story, great pacing. Awesome!
Re: New Judge Dredd movie

Really cool film - solid 15/10 for me. Better than TDKR.

Re: New Judge Dredd movie

Still the best non Avengers comic book movie of the year. Took a little dump on TDKR, but dropped it's big load on Amazing Spider-Man.
Re: New Judge Dredd movie

Got to see this tonight and I really enjoyed it. I'm yet to see The Raid so can't compare but I've been a casual 2000AD fan for some time and they got the tone just right. Even if you're not a 2000AD fan, if you want to go and see a fun piece of action cinema for an hour and a half, go and see this. It's just a shame it's not doing better at the box office, fingers crossed it gets a sequel because Urban is a great Dredd.