Super Freak
Exactly and isn't Jurassic World itself considered a sequel? JW wasn't a spin-off. It takes place after the first 3 movies so JW2 is actually JP5. LOL!Didn't life find a way 4 films ago?
Exactly and isn't Jurassic World itself considered a sequel? JW wasn't a spin-off. It takes place after the first 3 movies so JW2 is actually JP5. LOL!Didn't life find a way 4 films ago?
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People love dinosaurs
This franchise is like Disney's take on Star Wars - "Let's just keep putting stuff in theatres because we know it'll make a s*** tone of money irregardless how good or bad it actually is."
That’s why I could never within 15 minutes of JW they tell us (the viewer) we are bored of Dinosaurs so they created a DND slice (aka monster) - WTF!!!!
I just went to a zoo this past weekend. Last time I was at a zoo was 10 years ago. I was still amazed at the Hippo’s, Giraffe’s, Lion, Tigers even the ****ing Badger’s!! Don’t tell me I’m bored with Dinosaur’s!!
JW was a HUGE disappointment for me!! The epicentre for why this movie was a failure is that it relied on the T-Rex to be the hero. The T-rex was not even part of the story. JW relied heavily on your nostalgic experience of JP
assist their movie. Also training Raptors made no sense! When have we sent Lions in to war???
I wanted JW to be a place I can go in my movie library to see Dinosaurs. Instead it has become a Monster Movie.
That’s why I could never within 15 minutes of JW they tell us (the viewer) we are bored of Dinosaurs so they created a DND slice (aka monster) - WTF!!!!
I just went to a zoo this past weekend. Last time I was at a zoo was 10 years ago. I was still amazed at the Hippo’s, Giraffe’s, Lion, Tigers even the ****ing Badger’s!! Don’t tell me I’m bored with Dinosaur’s!!
JW was a HUGE disappointment for me!! The epicentre for why this movie was a failure is that it relied on the T-Rex to be the hero. The T-rex was not even part of the story. JW relied heavily on your nostalgic experience of JP
assist their movie. Also training Raptors made no sense! When have we sent Lions in to war???
I wanted JW to be a place I can go in my movie library to see Dinosaurs. Instead it has become a Monster Movie.
But they also used that line as an excuse to not show more ofvthe park,
This is proven by the indiference and bore of the older kid, and how he didnt even want to wait in line for any ride