Saw it tonight and really liked it. Started off slow but man, got really intense! Thumbs up for sure! Not as good as World 1 but very solid movie. Saw it in a Dolby theater and wow.
Loved the last one too, that last battle is one of my favorite film sequences of all time.
This one also has some great moments. See it in DBOX or Dolby for sure.
Plot was pretty meh but it’s all about the dino demo scenes! Some insane ones in this and the sound at the Dolby Cinema was awesome. Loved every minute when a dinosaur would yell.
Saw it last night. Was kind of a let down for me. Mind you the audience I was with sucked and the theatre had their speakers boomed up to the max, both of which can ruin a movie for me. I'll get what few positives there were out of the way first.
Indoraptor was a really good dinosaur villain, as I expected. Clever, tricky, cunning, and overall a slightly better villain than what Indominus was to JW1. The whole Lockwood Estate scene was pretty well done and had some good horror elements to it. The soundtrack was also fairly good during those scenes too. I also liked seeing baby Blue in those flashbacks or whatever.
Beyond those things however, I honestly cannot muster anything else positive to say about. I enjoyed JW1 a lot as a generic, turn-your-brain-off popcorn movie. But this film honestly felt like watching Transformers 2-3. Overall I just found it too noisy and loaded with too many Michael-Bay-tier explosions for sake of explosions. And when it didn't feel like Transformers, it was just a remake of the The Lost World, and of the two films, I think The Lost World did it much better.
One character, whose name I can't remember, was a horribly bland ripoff on Roland. Glad he was the first to be killed by Indoraptor. I'm also still shocked that the Lockwood girl was a clone. Truth be told, most of the story felt like a bad fanfic. Jeff Goldblum was there for two quick scenes as pure fan service with no real role. I'm really bummed that it looks like we won't be getting anymore hybrids in the third film as the last remains of Indominus rex were destroyed. Didn't like the main human villain and was happy when Rexy ate him. Also hated the two kids who were with Claire and Owen on the island, but I didn't mind the Lockwood girl at all.
I was really rooting for this movie too since I was happy to have something that wasn't Marvel or Star Wars for a change, but right now it's probably my least favorite of the entire franchise. I may warm to it a second time around, but aside from Indoraptor and that whole Lockwood Estate scene, there was just very little to nothing truly redeemable about it IMHO.
My JP rankings and ratings again (rated based on enjoyment and not film quality):
For me this movie was frustrating. IMO some things from the last one were improved a lot. There was originality. Humor. Good cast. But then it would veer off to *rehash* or IMO blatant pandering or corniness.
For me the last part was when it felt like the script writers were tripping. IMO there was no reason the endoraptor would particularly target the little girl when there was other prey around. Why would this kid suddenly decide to jump into her bedroom when up to then she had been hanging in, doing some clever stuff? If the endoraptor is at least part big raptor from the looks of it, why didn't Blue try to communicate? Why is everyone so worried about a bunch of dinosaurs being released, when with modern hunting/tracking from helicopters (which sux anyway) they'd all be rounded up or killed, and these animals are adapted to a warmer climate and would probably die in winter? Besides, there's only one-two of a lot of them, so are they gonna spontaneously make babies or what? Didn't anyone look into basic ecology making this movie? Why didn't the brontosaurus on the dock move into the water? How did Owen end up with the kid, when by default she's probably a mega-millionaire e.g. people would be looking for her? How did Blue end up in Arizona from the looks of it? Don't believe Own wouldn't have instantly jumped to save Blue, either...
Glad I saw it, but not something I need to see again until home release/cable. Did cheer every time the dinos chomped on someone tho.
Saw it last night. Was kind of a let down for me. Mind you the audience I was with sucked and the theatre had their speakers boomed up to the max, both of which can ruin a movie for me. I'll get what few positives there were out of the way first.
Indoraptor was a really good dinosaur villain, as I expected. Clever, tricky, cunning, and overall a slightly better villain than what Indominus was to JW1. The whole Lockwood Estate scene was pretty well done and had some good horror elements to it. The soundtrack was also fairly good during those scenes too. I also liked seeing baby Blue in those flashbacks or whatever.
Beyond those things however, I honestly cannot muster anything else positive to say about. I enjoyed JW1 a lot as a generic, turn-your-brain-off popcorn movie. But this film honestly felt like watching Transformers 2-3. Overall I just found it too noisy and loaded with too many Michael-Bay-tier explosions for sake of explosions. And when it didn't feel like Transformers, it was just a remake of the The Lost World, and of the two films, I think The Lost World did it much better.
One character, whose name I can't remember, was a horribly bland ripoff on Roland. Glad he was the first to be killed by Indoraptor. I'm also still shocked that the Lockwood girl was a clone. Truth be told, most of the story felt like a bad fanfic. Jeff Goldblum was there for two quick scenes as pure fan service with no real role. I'm really bummed that it looks like we won't be getting anymore hybrids in the third film as the last remains of Indominus rex were destroyed. Didn't like the main human villain and was happy when Rexy ate him. Also hated the two kids who were with Claire and Owen on the island, but I didn't mind the Lockwood girl at all.
I was really rooting for this movie too since I was happy to have something that wasn't Marvel or Star Wars for a change, but right now it's probably my least favorite of the entire franchise. I may warm to it a second time around, but aside from Indoraptor and that whole Lockwood Estate scene, there was just very little to nothing truly redeemable about it IMHO.
My JP rankings and ratings again (rated based on enjoyment and not film quality):
I liked it, it was fun. Popcorn movie. I'm a kid at heart, like I imagine the rest of everyone on this forum is as well, so I enjoyed it. Moved extremely fast. First act especially. No surprises, accept maybe the little girl, but that was pretty easy to figure out too. Looking forward to the next. I saw JP in the theaters as a young adult; can't believe it was 25 years ago...
Jurassic Park 9/10
Jurassic World 8/10
Jurassic World 2 7/10
Lost World 6/10
JP3 4/10
I’m soooo glad I don’t watch trailers. Just got home from the show and watched the trailer it shows so much and gives a general vibe away! Anyways the only time I was excited was the underwater dinosaur the rest was kinda boring (been there done that feel) still place JP3 above the JW movies. I just want to see a dinosaur movie folks. Sick of this genetically created ********.
Just saw it this weekend too. Started out okay, liked the return to the island and the escape from it, but after that, got really stupid, really fast. Rolling out dinos in cages at an auction? That was just over the top silly. Plus, the story feels so similar to the Lost World, which I actually liked.
If anything this feels headed towards Planet of the Apes but dinosaur style, dinosaurs among man will evolve, take over, become domesticated until finally, we get this.
If anything this feels headed towards Planet of the Apes but dinosaur style, dinosaurs among man will evolve, take over, become domesticated until finally, we get this.