If anything this feels headed towards Planet of the Apes but dinosaur style, dinosaurs among man will evolve, take over, become domesticated until finally, we get this.

If anything this feels headed towards Planet of the Apes but dinosaur style, dinosaurs among man will evolve, take over, become domesticated until finally, we get this.
I think I would love this movie more if they removed the Jurassic label and made it into a Creature Feature called "Fallen Kingdom"!!
the mom was hot
This franchise is getting about as bad as the Fast & Furious franchise
Probably my least fav of the series. At least first time viewing wise. I definitely enjoyed the other 4 way more when I saw them the first time. For now I would say I liked JP 3 better as I liked spinosaurous more then the new baddie in this one.... Human characters were probably better er also except for Grant of course.
JP - 10 out of 10 - Still the best
JP 2 - 9 out of 10 - very underrated IMO
JW - 7 out of 10 - repeat viewing hurt but still fun
JP 3 - 5.5 out of 10 - return of Alan Grant and Spino save the movie
JW 2 - 5 out of 10 - a step backwards and felt like the smallest film of the franchise.
You and I pretty much have the same rankings and ratings for these films, expect after my second viewing of this film the other night, I'd put it above JPIII, but not by much as I like Indoraptor way more than spino.
You and I pretty much have the same rankings and ratings for these films, expect after my second viewing of this film the other night, I'd put it above JPIII, but not by much as I like Indoraptor way more than spino.
I agree with Chakor on this one. JWFK just inches above JPIII not because it's a better movie but because it didn't annoy me as much.
JPIII was missing its third act, had no human antagonist and ruined Grants character arc from JP. Over the years I've grown to really like the Spino and the dinos look better in III thank FK - dang I like hanging out on Sorna as well.
FK was filled with bizarro plot holes (check out Mauler's YouTube video if you get a chance it's great), some bad CGI and lost a bit of the magic of the others. However it offended me less than JPIII did at the time of watching it haha. I do like the IndoRaptor and those haunted house scenes with it in the third act would have made me poop my pants as a kid. The cinematography is good and some of the ideas and themes had echoes of Crichton's other works which I liked.
Blue has a bit of a character transformation in this and is now full on hero and not a volatile wild dinosaur. On the whole Raptors and Rexy are now only scary if you're a bad guy (they can tell if your on Santa's naughty or nice list).
The little girls acting was really good and Chris Pratt has the charisma to keep the film going. I liked the movie when I saw it but it's not that great and the more I think about it the more I realise that it's bit like TLJ - nice and shiny to look at but a bit hollow (it's way better than TLJ though). My wife loved it and she cried during one moment in the second act and was actually frightened during moments in the third act. The movie is entertaining.