Justice League Movie (Nov 17th, 2017)

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Wish the best to Snyder and his fam... that's rough.

Can't say I am to happy with Whedon as his replacement but I'll hope for the best.
Can you imagine what a meeting must be like between WB CEO, head of production and board of directors.


Donner and Ilya Salkinds fight breaking up Superman 1 and 2.
Christopher Reeve breaks his back.
Keaton walks away from 20 million.
Batman & Robin entered into worst movie list.
Ledger suicide.
TDKR movie theater shooting.
BvS RT % affecting box office.
Affleck rehab and dropping out of directing Batman.
Snyder's daughter tragedy.

They must be like, what hollywood gods did we piss off.
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Can you imagine what a meeting must be like between WB CEO, head of production and board of directors.


Donner and Ilya Salkinds fight breaking up Superman 1 and 2.
Christopher Reeve breaks his back.
Keaton walks away from 20 million.
Batman & Robin entered into worst movie list.
Ledger suicide.
BvS RT % affecting box office.
Affleck rehab and dropping out of directing Batman.
Snyder's daughter tragedy.

They must be like what hollywood gods did we piss off.

Somebody did a curse :lol
Can you imagine what a meeting must be like between WB CEO, head of production and board of directors.


Donner and Ilya Salkinds fight breaking up Superman 1 and 2.
Christopher Reeve breaks his back.
Keaton walks away from 20 million.
Batman & Robin entered into worst movie list.
Ledger suicide.
BvS RT % affecting box office.
Affleck rehab and dropping out of directing Batman.
Snyder's daughter tragedy.

They must be like, what hollywood gods did we piss off.

You forgot about Leto.
Curious thing, in my favorite MoS track; Oil Rig, in the crescendo, right before the percussion kicks in, there's a "Eh Oh" yell, that I always thought gave the song a nice tribal touch, turns out that's Snyder's daughter yelling that, don't know how to feel about that, it's nice I guess.

Forget Leto I forgot TDKR movie

For a second I was like


but then I was like

theater shooting!

Wish the best to Snyder and his fam... that's rough.

Can't say I am to happy with Whedon as his replacement but I'll hope for the best.

He will only handle the "re-shoots" whatever that is....or added material- not sure what is going on with that
Her college is 20 minutes away from me.

It is considered the most expensive liberal arts college in the US.

Joss Whedon is getting his revenge on Feige now.

This is going to be one weird movie to sit thru.

While I still think Whedon is an 'average' director, he does know enough of the Marvel Studios formula and was able to pull off 'The Avengers' quite well (AOU is another story...he bombed out) so I hope he's going to be able to craft together what has been filmed into a cohesive movie during post-production.

I wish him well, competition is best for all the fans!

That is so sad. I hope he and his family get all the support and love that they need during this time. He's doing the right thing by putting his family first.
Whedon isn't getting control of the film. He's just directing reshoots for Snyder and keeping the same script and style. It's good Snyder's taking a break but the film isn't going to be any different from what Snyder and WB wanted.
wtf Batman v Superman is my favorite film now.

Bvs is now kino.

Snyderhate will hopefully cool a bit now. The vitriol directed at him since BvS has been unwarranted and cruel.

I hope the hate didnt have to do with it.

Her college is 20 minutes away from me.

It is considered the most expensive liberal arts college in the US.

Joss Whedon is getting his revenge on Feige now.

This is going to be one weird movie to sit thru.

Kinda weird if joss ends up delivering a good movie.
You know what's creepy. How we were talking about Irish Jedi abd how he and zach were close and that he said he was actually a very vulnerable guy and stuff. Then this happens.

It's like this was a huge lesson or something