Justice League Movie (Nov 17th, 2017)

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I don't buy concessions, anyway. Less money and calories, and I don't have to hit the head in the middle of the thing.:lol
:lol :lol

that does not surprise me. :lol

ravioli ravioli what's in the pocketoli hehe

i followed the official wiki :lol :lol


wikiHow to Sneak Food Into a Movie Theatre

Using Clothing



- after negative reception to BvS, WB made a lot of changes to Justice League
- initially a two film project, was changed to one film + to fit in with the evolving plans of The Batman film/series
- no major reshoots yet
- Joss Whedon wrote and will film some extra scenes that Zac Snyder wanted and was asked to do final edit
- Joss Whedon will be responsible for any pickups or reshoots
- tone changed to being more positive
I wonder if all of the shots Joss does will be all of the puns that get added in after the fact to change the tone. I'm still waiting for a great Superman movie. We haven't had one since Superman II, live action that is.

- after negative reception to BvS, WB made a lot of changes to Justice League
- initially a two film project, was changed to one film + to fit in with the evolving plans of The Batman film/series
- no major reshoots yet
- Joss Whedon wrote and will film some extra scenes that Zac Snyder wanted and was asked to do final edit
- Joss Whedon will be responsible for any pickups or reshoots
- tone changed to being more positive

Oh joy
Superman returns gets a worse rap than it deserves. . . and Superman 2 isn't flawless. It does have one of the greatest on screen supervillains of all time, though

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