Prime Clone
Super Freak
I like the graphic novel idea. Snyder seems like the type who would have storyboarded absolutely everything.
i bet if they released it, nerds online would complete the effects shots and the CGI for free just to have it completed ....
So Doomsday is the Mandarin of the dceu. I didn't know he wasnt the real doomsday. Also. Apparently some fans are calling ATT callcenters asking for the Snyder cut LOL
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Do you really think WB will allow the release of the Snyder version??? If so it's a given to make some more $$$ back...but I just don't see this happening
Releasing it will be them admitting failure
Releasing it will be them admitting failure
Yup, theres no benefit for them releasing it.
If it's good, people will rage on why it wasn't released. And it wouldn't be canon either.
If it's bad then they just waisted their money and sullied their rep further again
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WB needs to distance themselves from the disaster of JL why would they release a snyder cut now and open up old wounds again? No chance they will do it at least in the next few years.