Well the film quality IMO can go down when its on TBS or other cable channels often giving it a more TV like appearance.. I would never think that it looked like a Sitcom.. Giving away your Blu ray is weird to me.. It may not be caps best outing but its still cap![]()
Yep he liked Escape from LA and did not like Die Hard.. His taste was really strange at times.
"The ads for "Aliens" claim that this movie will frighten you as few movies have, and, for once, the ads don't lie. The movie is so intense that it creates a problem for me as a reviewer: Do I praise its craftsmanship, or do I tell you it left me feeling wrung out and unhappy? It has been a week since I saw it, so the emotions have faded a little, leaving with me an appreciation of the movie's technical qualities. But when I walked out of the theater, there were knots in my stomach from the film's roller-coaster ride of violence. This is not the kind of movie where it means anything to say you "enjoyed" it.
"Aliens" is absolutely, painfully and unremittingly intense for at least its last hour. Weaver goes into battle to save her colleagues, herself and the little girl, and the aliens drop from the ceiling, pop up out of the floor and crawl out of the ventilation shafts. (In one of the movie's less plausible moments, one alien even seems to know how to work the elevator buttons.) I have never seen a movie that maintains such a pitch of intensity for so long; it's like being on some kind of hair-raising carnival ride that never stops.
I don't know how else to describe this: The movie made me feel bad. It filled me with feelings of unease and disquiet and anxiety. I walked outside and I didn't want to talk to anyone. I was drained. I'm not sure "Aliens" is what we mean by entertainment. Yet I have to be accurate about this movie: It is a superb example of filmmaking craft.
The director, James Cameron, has been assigned to make an intense and horrifying thriller, and he has delivered. Weaver, who is onscreen almost all the time, comes through with a very strong, sympathetic performance: She's the thread that holds everything together.
The supporting players are sharply drawn. The special effects are professional. I'm giving the movie a high rating for its skill and professionalism and because it does the job it says it will do. I am also advising you not to eat before you go to see it.
3.5/4 stars
Or it will slowly turn to crap like AOU and IM3 (and soon Thor 3 mark my words)
Seriously though.. ROTJ... Weird film... I go through fazes with that film.. Loved it when I first saw it as a 12 year old.. Hated it when I was older and now I am back to loving parts of it and allowing those parts to shine over some of the things I don;t care for (which is mostly lazy acting and script)
I hated ALIEN 3 when I first saw it.. I have no issues with it now.
JL could go down the Batman Forever path for me.. I actually really liked Batman forever when I first saw it.. Loved it actually.. But then the "commando Effect" took over and every viewing after that I just started to notice a little bit each time how bad it was.. Now I see It as pretty awful with Val being the only bright spot.
I hope JL does not take that road to nowhere for me![]()
You either die a hero or you live long enough to see yourself become the Penguin.
Sorry but this clip still gives me shivers- he IS the Batman in every way I ever wanted him to look! (stomach included)
He can't beat Bale?![]()
I may not be the biggest fan of the MCU but every one that has been available in 3D I own in 3D. Both Guardians of the Galaxys and Dr. Strange are standouts 3D-wise.
I have never seen it in 3D either..
I may not be the biggest fan of the MCU but every one that has been available in 3D I own in 3D. Both Guardians of the Galaxys and Dr. Strange are standouts 3D-wise.
Affleck really is a great Batman.![]()
*note to self
Keep Uncle Bingo in the wings incase I ever need to replace Khev and JAWS.
I may be in the minority but I absolutely love 3D. Especially at home on your own tv.