My 3D tv at home is awesome. I didn't even use it for the first year because I thought it was a gimmick... but when I finally tried it for fun I was blown away how immersive it can be. You have to have a good tv though.
Well it wasn't like I singled out my Avengers blu-ray and held it up saying "begone vile blemish!"I was just purging a bunch of movies that I hadn't watched in 2+ years and Avengers didn't make the cut.
New review-fu claimed.
Waifu ended with Grace
Now Jenny is best waifu
Sorry to say but JL did not improve for me after 2nd viewing.
Just got home.
JL is a shallow movie with zero substance not one character goes thru any major growth.
The movie certainly moves fast but it's in a rush to show how shallow the plot is.
My new observations:
The movie opens with a depressing sad song that belongs at a funeral too illustrate Superman's death having a negative impact on the world and the opening title card is a depressing slow motion waving flag with JL written on it.
Now go look at the heroic opening title card of Avengers. Who opens a feel good movie with a depressing song and title card!
Superman's fight with the JL was a-lot less impressive this time around.
Cyborg was just a horrible addition to the team he really did nothing useful.
WW acting during Superman's resurrection is truly awful.
This time WW butt and cleavage shots were very noticeable there were quite a bit. Umm perfect lol.
Climatic battle also didn't hold up.
Worst use of the Batmobile ever!
Superman did nothing in this movie other than punch SW a few times.
Batman's fighting during the climax was a convoluted mess made even worse with him shooting that laser gun.
The movie has no stakes there are no humans anywhere other than that one family. Deadpool was the same way but that was because of the constraints from its smaller budget.
Seriously i'm not joking the worst MCU movies offer way more in the way of substance and conflict in their plots and narratives.
AOU climatic battle against Ultron is filled with grace and elegance when compared to that SW battle.
This movie barely delivered on the Saturday morning cartoon front.
I can't believe just how shallow this movie is.
I don't think all the Superman scenes are Whedon's because there are times he has no mustache. Those had to be Snyder's no?
Thank the maker I had Punisher on Netflix to truly enjoy.
Sorry to say but JL did not improve for me after 2nd viewing.
Well I did not mean any insult with the "Its weird to me" I guess I should have said shocked since Cap is your fav Marvel Hero and though he looked a bit silly, its still Cap and not a Batman and Robin version of him...
Personally I would need it for completest sake![]()
What about the lolz? Hippolyta green screen chase, Flash running, etc?
Flash's ice-skating running style has to be intentional. There must be an explanation for it relating to physics. Maybe it's easier to control or something.