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Well last year they formed a label to do just that - it was implied that it would shepherd the DC characters just as Marvel Studios has on their side- with creating a greater over arching strategy for the characters in all media. Funny that we haven't seen anything out of that yet though.

Yup, until we actually see something, it's all just words. :lol It's really a shame too, because their animated stuff is brilliant!
Anything like Avengers after Avengers will simply be a knock-off of... Avengers.

It won't seem fresh. It won't seem new. It will be compared.

DC should focus on getting Superman up and running again, and figuring out what the hell they're gonna do with Batman now.... and establishing another tentpole character (Wonder Woman, Aquaman, whatever). If they can revive their characters then they can worry about the Justice League.

Question: with Superman, who can do anything, why the hell do they need anyone else? Especially Batman?

Superman's well on his way, and GL just needs some coddling to get back on track. Batman will be the bigger concern given he's coming just two years after Nolan's trilogy is closed. So he'll have that hurdle to overcome.
Question: with Superman, who can do anything, why the hell do they need anyone else? Especially Batman?

Superman is actually weak to a few things, the major ones being Kryptonite (obviously) and magic. So anyone with a strong magic basis could literally kill Superman without blinking twice. Aquaman is ineffective when too far away from water, throw him in a desert and you've pretty much got him. A GL must recharge his ring, remove him from his power battery and keep him away from it long enough and you've got him cornered. Martian Manhunter is weak against fire. The Flash can be injured the same as anyone else. He can super heal but the bigger the injury, the longer the time. A strong villain who could touch him just once could remove him from the battle. Wonder Woman is impetuous, quick to act and very much the muscle, she often gets herself in over her head.

They all are reduced to basic "humans" once their weaknesses are enacted. The difference is Batman is great as a human and can/will do great things as one. Batman is a more vital part of a Justice League plan than anyone gives him credit for simply because he can overcome what most other characters believe is weak already.
Superman is actually weak to a few things, the major ones being Kryptonite (obviously) and magic.

:lol That made me laugh. ....and magic!

I'm sure Batman is weak against magic too. Just an odd pair, always was. Superman... and then this crazy playboy pulling on his batsuit. "Hey, wait up, Superman!"
Of course, another function of the Justice League (and this has been handled as a theme in numerous stories) is that they keep each other honest. Checks and balances among super heroes, if you will. This was the ultimate point of Tower of Babel (aka JL: Doom). Batman has a contingency plan to stop every other member should they go rogue or be compromised. The contingency plan to stop him is the League itself. That was his main impetus for helping found the JL... to keep everyone as grounded as possible.
Of course, another function of the Justice League (and this has been handled as a theme in numerous stories) is that they keep each other honest. Checks and balances among super heroes, if you will. This was the ultimate point of Tower of Babel (aka JL: Doom). Batman has a contingency plan to stop every other member should they go rogue or be compromised. The contingency plan to stop him is the League itself. That was his main impetus for helping found the JL... to keep everyone as grounded as possible.

That's what I think would make an epic first movie. :lecture:lecture:lecture:exactly:

Though I've wondered, given he's handed the JLA their ***** coming up with it in more than one medium, how the hell would they stop him? :lol
The Tower of Babel storyline only works in an Avengers styled lead up where the audiences are held up to understanding why someone would go to those lengths. Introducing the characters with that is a huge slippery slope. It could be great, allowing for them to verbally introduce each character through Batman and saving any individual films from doing any basic origin stories. It could go the other way where it's completely convoluted and confusing to where it ____s the whole thing.
The Tower of Babel storyline only works in an Avengers styled lead up where the audiences are held up to understanding why someone would go to those lengths. Introducing the characters with that is a huge slippery slope. It could be great, allowing for them to verbally introduce each character through Batman and saving any individual films from doing any basic origin stories. It could go the other way where it's completely convoluted and confusing to where it ____s the whole thing.

Nah, I'd steer clear of origins. Just introducing each character, their powers and their weaknesses would be enough. Save the origins for the stand-alone flicks. Tucking origins in would make it feel too contrived.
Coming to the big screen....


What's that monkey's name? Gleep?
Yupp. Personally would have loved to see his take on it, but didn't realistically expect it to happen

Hope they go with someone good though.
I found it more interesting that he said he is not producing any more Batman films at all than the Justice League film, I thought he was all locked up for the reboot?