[Kato's Work]1/6- American Apparel Baby Thermal Henley + cargo pants

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Re: [Kato's Work] 2nd run of Dark Passenger outfit Preorder

Yeah, I don't think anyone should be trying to come up with clever ways to get around this. That puts Trev in an awkward situation, and I'm sure he feels bad enough about things as it is.
Well said, great post.
Also, Trevor posted the image on Deviantart.com, and he has a lot of people following him on that site, he mentioned that he was going to be selling it over there, so maybe it was someone over there who ratted him out, or maybe even an executive lurking around, or a friend of a friend of a friend who knows someone involved with the license.
Exactly, don't make too much sense now. LOL.
Re: [Kato's Work] 2nd run of Dark Passenger outfit Preorder

Hope everything works out for Trevor and his job isn't at risk, that would be ridiculous.

I'm very disappointed in Showtime. If you're going to pull a Michael Myers Trancas at least give us a nice licensed alternate (NECA Freddy glove for example) instead of bobbleheads and the Triad Toys Dexter.

Find somebody to approach Showtime for the licnesed, then I immediately set up as company and start mass production :rotfl
Re: [Kato's Work] 2nd run of Dark Passenger outfit Preorder

Hope everything works out for Trevor and his job isn't at risk, that would be ridiculous.

I'm very disappointed in Showtime. If you're going to pull. Michael Myers Trancas at least give us a nice licensed alternate (NECA Freddy glove for example) instead of bobbleheads and the Triad Toys Dexter.

It shouldnt be, look...you know how many sculptors fiddle and play with sculpts of many many products that have holding rights, or that will never be sold due to the estate holding a particular right. And many times, lets be real, if its some customizer on a board doing a run of things, usually, it doesnt hurt.

Heck, Rainman is going to do an Alex de Large - a figure I've been dying for, for years - and we all know how Kubrick's estate is locking down any licensing. Why does he not get shut-down?

This particular situation with Trev had to be a direct problem to Showtime/CBS, Michael C. Hall, and any other holders to depiction and license.

They took action. They have every right to do so, and Trev's smartest move is to not let anyone even sniff this.

I'm sure many of the sculptors at HT on their own time carve away many characters we would love to see but will never see the light of day...

Just how it goes.

When legal action is taken, it must be followed and I bet in this case, there were many variables and unknowns. If eventually we do get to see a mass produced figure, or something officially licensed, we may have more answers.
Re: [Kato's Work] 2nd run of Dark Passenger outfit Preorder

Find somebody to approach Showtime for the licnesed, then I immediately set up as company and start mass production :rotfl

And chances are, even of the figure is mass produced, the clothing will never reach the high level of quality that your craftsmanship has. So quite frankly, I could care less if the figure in 1/6th scale is never made. I love your clothing and happy with the Kate/Xeno formula.
Re: [Kato's Work] 2nd run of Dark Passenger outfit Preorder

I think there's basically 2 main things why trevor's got singled out. Since it seemed far fetch at the time, the sculpt was still named Dexter. The other is he is an official employee of a huge company who, may be fearing lawsuit, made Trevor stop selling the sculpt.
There's a big big reason why Xeno and Rainman were named like that and that is for legal reasons. True, if they still want to, they can go after them but its different when originally, you're selling it already as a knock off. It didnt seem like this could happen with so many custom threads here that it didn't seem like trevor had to rename his to something else. Of course, this is purely speculation. This is very unfortunate. I'm just worried that now they may start targeting the other customs here too. May not be a bad idea if they start renaming their threads.

Jimmy li batsman head anyone? :lol
Re: [Kato's Work] 2nd run of Dark Passenger outfit Preorder

Kato I want to keep my order, but I really, really hope I can get a headsculpt for it. I had pmed xeno before trev even offered his and he was too booked at present. I ordered trevs hs, this happened. I pmed xeno again to see if there was a waitlist I could get on or something, no reply yet. At this point I spent $400 after preordering trevs hs to get the body, boots, watch, clothes etc, I'm going to be extremely upset if all I need is a headsculpt and can't get one.

So again keep my order kato, and if anyone wNts to sell me a hs, shoot me a pm.

Re: [Kato's Work] 2nd run of Dark Passenger outfit Preorder

The other is he is an official employee of a huge company who, may be fearing lawsuit, made Trevor stop selling the sculpt.

Great assumption and interesting take that could have a lot of validity.
Re: [Kato's Work] 2nd run of Dark Passenger outfit Preorder

The only reason Showtime even got wind of this is because someone saw the thread here and ratted to showtime.

Showtime as a licensor must protect the rights of the licensee hence the C&D direct from them.

I honestly do not think Showtime lawyers will be surfing here to look for any potential unlawful infringement of their property cause if they were, Xeno and Rainman would have gotten the C&D. Heck, a lot of other people would have gotten C&D if corporate lawyers visit this section all the time.

My point is, companies like Showtime has a lot more to worry about than some unlicensed HS. The sea of bootlegs, torrents, unlicensed T-shirts and mugs, those are the stuff they usually worry about.

I still say there is a big chance that it's someone from Triad cause they are the only 1/6 license holder for Dexter currently.
Re: [Kato's Work] 2nd run of Dark Passenger outfit Preorder


I woke up in the morning and find out this!!!!!????

What happened man!!!


Trevor was told to stop selling his Dexter sculpt. That thread is now closed :(
The show, including representative of Michael c hall put a stop to it.
We think someone here have had to ratted out.
Re: [Kato's Work] 2nd run of Dark Passenger outfit Preorder

I think the past several comments contain very wise concerns about caution. Whoever brought this forum to the attention of the suits has opened a Pandora's Box.

In other news, the pm is a wondrous tool...
Re: [Kato's Work] 2nd run of Dark Passenger outfit Preorder

Man, Trev even took the pics of Dex down from his blog. He can't even show the damn thing.
Re: [Kato's Work] 2nd run of Dark Passenger outfit Preorder

Anyone thought of locking the custom section down so It's unviewable unless your a member with a certain number of posts?

That might help things in the future.
Re: [Kato's Work] 2nd run of Dark Passenger outfit Preorder

Yea, didn't it used to be that way? I could have sworn before I became a member that I wasn't allowed to view customs.

I would say at least 75 to 100 before allowed. That way, if someone spent that much time to make those number of post, then theyre here to have more appreciation to this craft than just to linger and try to harass one of the artists here.
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Re: [Kato's Work] 2nd run of Dark Passenger outfit Preorder

Yes that type of thing. I mean the custom interest/selling section is becoming separate anyway, so why not go the whole hog an lock it down so It's private?
Re: [Kato's Work] 2nd run of Dark Passenger outfit Preorder

Man 3 pages...
Good morning guys, sad day has begun T_T

Hope everything works out for Trevor and his job isn't at risk, that would be ridiculous.
This is the most important thing! :lecture
I hope Sideshow will not respond to it.