[Kato's Work]1/6- American Apparel Baby Thermal Henley + cargo pants

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Re: [Kato's Work] 2nd run of Dark Passenger outfit Preorder

Sounds good , lets do it up man :panic:

Thanks man, but for the moment, I still get the damn "fatal error" and can't create "The Great Dexter Thread", so in the meantime, here's what I'll repost as a first post:

Hey guys,

Welcome to this new thread.

It has multiple purposes. First, it is obvious that lately, Dexter has become a character of interest as shown by the multiple threads that have popped up in the custom section.

Now, this thread hasn’t for purpose to replace them but to federate them. I don’t know about you, but I don’t like to go through multiple threads to get what I need.

So this thread is to encourage you guys to double post. You’ve made a custom Dexter using Kato’s clothes? Post it her and in Kato’s thread! There’s an update on Betomali’s blood slide box? Post it here? You’ve made a custom Doakes (actually I have. I’ll post it soon)? Create a Doakes thread and post it here too!

Thus, everything of importance can be easily found here…

Then there’s the second reason! The tsunami that hit us yesterday about Trevor’s sculpt.

I’m pissed, you’re pissed, we’re all pissed. That was honestly the best Dexter likeness around. Trevor is obviously out, there’s no way we can get over this without putting him into troubles.

So I’ve come up with a few ideas and reflections about the whole issue. If some of you are with me me, maybe we can have the next best thing. If you think I’m wrong, well no big deal, we still have a Dexter general thread and I know that I’ll try it on my own.

I don’t know about most sculptors, but for me, the success or failure of a sculpt depends on two things: Talent and good reference pics. You can be the best sculptor around, if you have crappy reference pics, the outcome will be underwhelming. And guess what? We have the best reference pics now: Trevor’s!!!!

Plus we have a bunch of very talented guys on that board!

So what do we do? Here are a few options and remarks…

1) We do nothing and obey: I don’t know about you guys, but when I get slapped in the face, I kick back in the balls! So let’s retaliate!!!

Now, a remark. If we chose a sculptor in the States, we might get the same legal problem. I would be much more difficult for Showtime, MCH, Triad or whoever pull this on us to sue someone outside the USA. So we need a great sculptor, abroad…

Then now, there are two way to make a hs available. The usual traditional way, or a CG sculpt. I think that Trevor’s pics are so great that a CG artist wouldn’t have too many problems to recreate it. So now the other options:

2) Xeno: He’s in Australia if I’m correct. I compared his sculpt from Trevor’s and they have many things in common. Xeno’s got it right on so many levels that only a few tweaks would make it perfect. He’d be the best, most rational choice as 90% of the job is already done and he is so talented.
3) Alex Lopez: He’s in Mexico and extremely talented and I’m sure he could pull this off
4) Headplay: Based in China. Don’t know how to contact them or if they would even be interested, but Dexter is a popular character and I would be surprised if they don’t make one of their own one day. A little pressure might hasten things maybe
5) Vartal: Based in Spain. He works CG sculpts and he’s a great guy. He could certainly make it and he’s easy to commission. The only drawback is I’ve noticed CG sculpts have less definition.
6) Me! I’m based in France. Unfortunately, I’m not half as good as these guys. I’m jus mediocre. However, I’ve studied Dex’s face for a long time when I made one and I know what I would change to Xeno’s hs to make it look like Trevor’s. Now, saying and making are two different things and I may fail miserably. However, if nobody’s interested by the above proposals or we can’t make up our mind, I can assure you I’ll try doing this for myself!

Now, it’s up to you guys!

Once we’ve discussed this and we come to an agreement (or maybe you have better suggestions for sculptors… etc), I suggest that we go “black ops :D

When we have a sculptor, we make a list of interest. This list remains open and we’ll be updated in this post for a few weeks, then we close it and all updates will be made through PMs or personal Emails.

For example, if I do it, I wouldn’t even sell it through SSF.

So what do you think?
Re: [Kato's Work] 2nd run of Dark Passenger outfit Preorder

:goodpost: I hope we get a shot at this. I really wanted Trevors sculpt.
Re: [Kato's Work] 2nd run of Dark Passenger outfit Preorder

*watches with great interest*
This is so sad...
Does triad have some kind of exclusive license or something? Does anybody have any idea how much licensing cost?
Re: [Kato's Work] 2nd run of Dark Passenger outfit Preorder

Sadly I think you'd still end up with the same kind if 'issues' here as he's a copyright character. Just because you're in another country wouldn't mean Showtime wouldn't send you a cease and desist letter sadly.
Re: [Kato's Work] 2nd run of Dark Passenger outfit Preorder

*watches with great interest*
This is so sad...
Does triad have some kind of exclusive license or something? Does anybody have any idea how much licensing cost?

I don't know but they've been sitting on this license for awhile. Just that terrible protoype is all that was shown and I believe that was over a year ago.
Re: [Kato's Work] 2nd run of Dark Passenger outfit Preorder

And guys! I think it really more simplier than that!
Trevor has just posted his work on his facebook and deviant art page who are followed by A LOT of people (professional and non professional). I think that he is the more followed 1/6 sculptor that I know so the information can be really fast!!!! :)

True but don't forget that Darklord Dave also received a C&D letter. So clearly it was this site which attracted their attention.
Re: [Kato's Work] 2nd run of Dark Passenger outfit Preorder

Also is anyone going to set a thread up asking whether the customs section should be locked down and made private?
Re: [Kato's Work] 2nd run of Dark Passenger outfit Preorder

Like i said in my post from yesterday call it


something like that :wave
Re: [Kato's Work] 2nd run of Dark Passenger outfit Preorder

Maybe Triad could be contacted to purchase the original from Trevor...
Re: [Kato's Work] 2nd run of Dark Passenger outfit Preorder

Sadly I think you'd still end up with the same kind if 'issues' here as he's a copyright character. Just because you're in another country wouldn't mean Showtime wouldn't send you a cease and desist letter sadly.

They can still try!

Plus if we do thet through PMs, that I call my stuff Bob the Plumber who, "OOOOHHH, what a coincidence! He looks like Dexter", that it gets distributed and is shown online once customizers have begun to make him completely, thae can try to "cease and desist me"!

Plus let them prove I'm the one!

Man I'd even go as far as contact and send a free head to that famous recaster Diver4 just to see this be released all over the web! :D
Re: [Kato's Work] 2nd run of Dark Passenger outfit Preorder

They can still try!

Plus if we do thet through PMs, that I call my stuff Bob the Plumber who, "OOOOHHH, what a coincidence! He looks like Dexter", that it gets distributed and is shown online once customizers have begun to make him completely, thae can try to "cease and desist me"!

Plus let them prove I'm the one!

Man I'd even go as far as contact and send a free head to that famous recaster Diver4 just to see this be released all over the web! :D

Imo that wouldn't be a very good idea and would get poor Trevor into even deeper trouble I'm afraid. :(
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Re: [Kato's Work] 2nd run of Dark Passenger outfit Preorder

2) Xeno: He’s in Australia if I’m correct. I compared his sculpt from Trevor’s and they have many things in common. Xeno’s got it right on so many levels that only a few tweaks would make it perfect. He’d be the best, most rational choice as 90% of the job is already done and he is so talented.

Is this really an option? ..that would be like a slap in the face to Xeno, i love his sculpt..but surely asking him to do a new sculpt based on reference shots of a proto sculpt by an other artist is a bit rude imo.

Imo Trev's Dexter was the best dexter sculpt i have ever seen with Xeno's a "very" close second ..both sculpt's were very similar but what justified having both to me was that they were both done by two different artists, i would hate to have two dex sculpt's both by Xeno and one being slightly better then the other...especially considering what i paid for the first one.
Re: [Kato's Work] 2nd run of Dark Passenger outfit Preorder

hum.. just let it go!
You have still the great sculpt by xeno!
And If I have well understand, you want someone else to sculpt the same headsculpt that Trevor!
What do you think that Showtime (or whatever) will think when they will see this sculpt?
*knock knock* at the trevor's home!!:wave
Re: [Kato's Work] 2nd run of Dark Passenger outfit Preorder

I don't know if it it would be an insult!

I mean I'm going to post Doakes soon. I know I'm not Trevor, and if someone tells me man, you did okay but you should upgrade this or that, this isn't an insult.

There is always room for progress for everyone, so unless you have an ego the size of a mammoth, working on an upgrade isn't an insult.

The reason I suggest Xeno is because as you said, his sculpt is already very good.

Now, as I said, I will do it, whatever people say, yet, I'm not Xeno and since Im' going to use his as a base, it seems only polite to have the real owner of the sculpt do it. I hate stealing from others and will only do it if it's the only option.

Is this really an option? ..that would be like a slap in the face to Xeno, i love his sculpt..but surely asking him to do a new sculpt based on reference shots of a proto sculpt by an other artist is a bit rude imo.

Imo Trev's Dexter was the best dexter sculpt i have ever seen with Xeno's a "very" close second ..both sculpt's were very similar but what justified having both to me was that they were both done by two different artists, i would hate to have two dex sculpt's both by Xeno and one being slightly better then the other...especially considering what i paid for the first one.
Re: [Kato's Work] 2nd run of Dark Passenger outfit Preorder

Like I said, it's an open discussion.

If people don't agree, I'll let it go!

But not for myself...

hum.. just let it go!
You have still the great sculpt by xeno!
And If I have well understand, you want someone else to sculpt the same headsculpt that Trevor!
What do you think that Showtime (or whatever) will think when they will see this sculpt?
*knock knock* at the trevor's home!!:wave
Re: [Kato's Work] 2nd run of Dark Passenger outfit Preorder

IMO this realy wouldn't be a good route to go down. Believe me it really wouldn't be, :(
Re: [Kato's Work] 2nd run of Dark Passenger outfit Preorder

Like I said, it's an open discussion.

If people don't agree, I'll let it go!

But not for myself...

Yeah of course!
But I think that at the end of the day, it will be just more problems for Trevor :)