[Kato's Work]1/6- American Apparel Baby Thermal Henley + cargo pants

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Re: [Kato's Work] 2nd run of Dexter's Clothing Preorder

Hi all,

1. pls tell me once again who want to refund and pls also tell yr real name in paypal address. I don't want to make any mistake and waste too long time in matching yr paypal name with webname. thx!:wave

2. pls also tell me who want to cancel his name in the list also.:dunno

What's the detail story about Trevor's HS? Did he received the warning form Triad Toys?:gah:

I am actually has trouble for it since I hv already paid for the material.:monkey2

Trevor got a notice from the creators of the TV show, as well as Darklord Dave to stop selling copyrighted material.
Re: [Kato's Work] 2nd run of Dexter's Clothing Preorder

Trevor got a notice from the creators of the TV show, as well as Darklord Dave to stop selling copyrighted material.

How about Xenoviper?

Does it means he cannot offer Dexter hs anymore as well? :slap
Re: [Kato's Work] 2nd run of Dexter's Clothing Preorder

I will still take my Henley Kato :wave I have a strong feeling i will get a Dexter Head sculpt soon :yess:

Yet i haven't paid yet , but i still want it , keep me on the list buddy :hi5:
Re: [Kato's Work] 2nd run of Dexter's Clothing Preorder

How about Xenoviper?

Does it means he cannot offer Dexter hs anymore as well? :slap

Well, it's kind of weird why he got notice and Xeno didn't as well as rainman didn't either, maybe because what they sell/sold are not named "DEXTER MORGAN" hehe.

Also Trevor works for Sideshow so I think he is more well known around the offices.
Re: [Kato's Work] 2nd run of Dexter's Clothing Preorder

Since the head sculpt thread for this character is already closed, I just want to express my disgust at this situation. I'm under the impression that someone from these boards, some envious, snitch ass, a-hole, was the one who gave notice to the people from the TV show. I mean, in the original thread there were comments like "... isn't it a little weird that a Sideshow employee is sculpting up heads for another company's license??" I'm not blaming/saying that whoever posted that, is the one responsible for what happened, but really, what is the objective of a comment like that? It just creates friction and raises red flags. And comments like that have been the kind of crap that's being posted lately because some people can't take it that others can be talented while they are not.
I'm not even a Dexter fan and this situation bothers me. :mad:
Re: [Kato's Work] 2nd run of Dexter's Clothing Preorder

Since the head sculpt thread for this character is already closed, I just want to express my disgust at this situation. I'm under the impression that someone from these boards, some envious, snitch ass, a-hole, was the one who gave notice to the people from the TV show. I mean, in the original thread there were comments like "... isn't it a little weird that a Sideshow employee is sculpting up heads for another company's license??" I'm not blaming that whoever posted that, is the one responsible for what happened, but really, what is the objective of a comment like that? It just creates friction and raises red flags.
I'm not even a Dexter fan and this situation bothers me. :mad:

Does it means no people here can offer Dexter anymore and we can only buy the below level Dexter figure form Triad? :gah:
Re: [Kato's Work] 2nd run of Dexter's Clothing Preorder

It definitely had to be someone from the board. There's no way this was high profile enough to get the attention of the powers that be. I think this is the first time anyone here has gotten a cease and desist order on a custom. I sure don't remember it happening before. Hope it's not a sign of things to come.
Re: [Kato's Work] 2nd run of Dexter's Clothing Preorder

Does it means no people here can offer Dexter anymore and we can only buy the below level Dexter figure form Triad? :gah:

Well, people can still offer stuff to sell, but if "the stuff to sell" is under license AND gets caught by the people who bought the license then there is trouble.

Like I said in an earlier post, Xeno and Rainman sold their heads and figures under another name " Dark passenger ", no no problem there, but Trevor offered the sculpts as DEXTER MORGAN, a licensed name.
Re: [Kato's Work] 2nd run of Dexter's Clothing Preorder

It definitely had to be someone from the board. There's no way this was high profile enough to get the attention of the powers that be. I think this is the first time anyone here has gotten a cease and desist order on a custom. I sure don't remember it happening before. Hope it's not a sign of things to come.

It happened to Sunohc's Red Dead Redemption headsculpt.
Re: [Kato's Work] 2nd run of Dexter's Clothing Preorder

Someone awesome?

Dude, Triad's got the licence, so start crying....:monkey2:monkey2:monkey2
Triad still has the license, yes.

Well this was Triad prototype...

And it is crap looking...

Since the head sculpt thread for this character is already closed, I just want to express my disgust at this situation. I'm under the impression that someone from these boards, some envious, snitch ass, a-hole, was the one who gave notice to the people from the TV show. I mean, in the original thread there were comments like "... isn't it a little weird that a Sideshow employee is sculpting up heads for another company's license??" I'm not blaming/saying that whoever posted that, is the one responsible for what happened, but really, what is the objective of a comment like that? It just creates friction and raises red flags. And comments like that have been the kind of crap that's being posted lately because some people can't take it that others can be talented while they are not.
I'm not even a Dexter fan and this situation bothers me. :mad:

Who cares, why, who and what happened. At this point, it did and we won't have the definitive Dexter Morgan head sculpt. No disrespect to rainman and his artistry, but his HS can't hold Trevor's jock. And Xeno's is dope, and is insane looking, but Trevor had it dead-on.

Oh well...

Maybe, just maybe we can hope this means something; Sideshow or HT making something, but I doubt it. Maybe, we can hope that either company sees the work, views the desire of the big fan-base, and realize this is something they should go into development with.

Either way, I was hyped to have mine coming, and now, I could just use that $40 for something else.
Re: [Kato's Work] 2nd run of Dexter's Clothing Preorder

It happened to Sunohc's Red Dead Redemption figure, but through an ebay sale, but it's kind of the same I guess.

Yeah, I know it happens on ebay from time to time, but I meant on this board. Ebay is high profile so you expect customs there might get hit, but when it happens here, it means someone tattled.