Not everything from the 70's and 80's should be celebrated. lol
Not everything from the 70's and 80's should be celebrated.![]()
Meh...nothing interesting happened until 1989 and 2008.![]()
Meh...nothing interesting happened until 1989 and 2008.![]()
Agreed. Tango & Cash and The House Bunny are the pinnacles of cinematic entertainment.
As much as I love the MCU and BB/TDK I would never choose them over the movies from my youth.
Meh...nothing interesting happened until 1989 and 2008.![]()
Teri Hatcher was so hot in that film.
Yeah, as much as I like MCU CA or Baleman, my favorite movie heroes are Sly/Arnie.
Teri Hatcher was so hot in that film.
Yeah, as much as I like MCU CA or Baleman, my favorite movie heroes are Sly/Arnie.
Get it???
Nothing the Russo's can deliver in IW or E8/9 can replace me seeing all these movies opening night or week:
History of the World
Halloween 1
Close Encounters
STM 1/2
F13th 1/2/3/4
The Thing
Terminator 1
Road Warrior
Rocky 1/2/3/4
Beverly Hills Cop
Trading Places
Animal House
Die Hard 1
Robocop 1
Fast Times at Ridgemont High
Police Academy
Rambo 1/2/3
The Reanimator
The Howling
American Werewolf in London
Batman 89
From 1975 to 1991, nothing could ever replace those incredibly wonderful 16 years for me.
Seriously, just look at that insane list, nothing can touch that.
She was so hot in those lesbian movies of hers.![]()
Oops, forgot Back to the Future.
ET I did not as I was too cool for a kids movie, I was supporting The Thing instead that year.
I also left Gremlins off the list. I loved that movie on release but recently revisited it and it did not hold up at all.
I'd argue that creatures made during the 70s and 80s with practical effects hold more personal value to people than the CGI renderings of today. I love the Hulk in the MCU movies, but Lou Ferrigno in makeup will always be more dear to me. All the photo-realistic sharks in the world will never mean anything to me like Bruce from JAWS. The barely mobile Jabba from Return of the Jedi beats any CGI rendering of him ever done.
Creatures made with practical effects may not have looked like real life creatures or truly alive, but they have a quality that resonates more after you're done watching the movie they've come from. My most favorite Godzilla's ever were a man in a suit. Of my all time favorite film creatures, I think the only one that's only been CGI is Draco from Dragonheart, and that's part design, part Connery's voice performance.
The effects still hold up on Gremlins
Yeah for the most part you're right, especially from Predator, Aliens and The Thing,
But look at Jurassic Park, perfect mix of animatronics and cgi.
Regarding Godzilla while I get where you're coming from and yes his 54 suit will always reign supreme I do think it's ok to bring monsters like Godzilla and Kong into the world of realistic looking cgi.