Broke and happy
I mean as in keeping your manly self, you would wake up same age and memories.
That would be some really crazy **** lol
That would be some really crazy **** lol
Before you leave for 77 don't forget to write down the lotto number for day after you arrive.
Speaking of going back and time as it relates to Star Wars:
Where? Did they have lotto in states like they do today? I don't think so.
I think I'd get a job in TV. I'd call them and tell them which shows were going to be hits and which would bomb. After about two seasons I bet I'd get hired at a huge salary. I could do the same for the studios as a consultant. Sports teams too. Politics, yes. Hell... I'd be world renown as the Nostradamus of the day.
But my very existence could change time forever. If I told them to green-light Back to the Future and it got made even a second before it actually happened, the whole thing could change and fail.
I might actually only be able to make predictions of things coming soon or already in motion, like calling a coin toss -- no long-range predictions.
I still haven't watched that movie, should I?
If you had the chance to be brought back to 1977 a month before SW release with no way to return back to the present would you take it?
You would still possess all of your current memories and awareness.
What would you do.
If you had the chance to be brought back to 1977 a month before SW release with no way to return back to the present would you take it?
What would you do.
I wouldn't be going to see Star Wars on opening day, that's for sure.
1. invest in things I know will be successful
2. steal ideas and inventions before the trends for them even occur, make money off them (the 21st century would have my name all over it)
3. be a billionaire by the 90s
4. become a filmmaker/scriptwriter in my spare time (and just "steal" all the successful films and make them mine, with Jye being my personal assistant)
5. pound prime Carrie Fisher before she goes to rehab
6. buy Star Wars off of uncle George post ROTJ
7. make sure nobody makes another Star Wars movie as long as I live
8. do the same thing to Marvel when they're vulnerable before the 2000s
9. run for president after I'm done doing everything I wanted to do
10. build a luxurious under ground bunker
11. get the codes and press the button when I'm bored
12. live out the rest of my days Mad Max style with my harem and milk women
Assuming I'm still born in the new timeline, I'd steal myself from my parents and raise myself as my protege.