I dragged my wife to see this movie in 3D. I have never been so embarrassed. It's horrible. Originally I had no intention of seeing it as it sounded complete unoriginal to begin with then it came out and scored a 70 on RT.
Plus John c reilly looked entertaining in the trailer. But I also figured that was not a good sign. RT has also lost its luster as well as I've seen films that score in the 90's that I feel are very weak but with KONG some of the synopsis reviews perked my interest (don't like to read full reviews, to much is given away). King steals the show! The creatures are amazing! Story is actually pretty good.
Totally and all BS! This film has so many problems. First off who's the lead?! Second how do people survive crashes without scratches, bruises or at least getting a little dirty. JCR can't save this crap, his character is more annoying than really funny but at least he himself is having fun. And why does Hollywood keep casting kids in adult roles! Sam Jackson played one note the whole film.. it was literally crazy. The monsters where recycled cgi garbage. I'm so ashamed as I didn't think I was about to see anything ground breaking here but I did expect to be taken away and enjoy a throwback popcorn flick from beginning to end. Something mindless sure but fun. Well it wasn't fun but sure was mindless.
You get ur Kong fighting airplanes with the helicopters but all he receives is some cuts to his hand. I don't care how big he is. You try sticking ur hand in a blender and see how well you do.
There is SO much that doesn't work here that what ever does is completely marginalized. I did not feel or care for anyone who died. No relationship was developed with anyone. I want my money back!!
Michael Keaton best move he's ever made was pulling out of this complete piece of �� $h!1.
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