Correct me if I'm wrong (I don't own the Lee Bats), but those were plastic statues that didn't have any kind of edition size to them. The Koto Spidey doesn't fall into that category. This was released with an ES of 1900 and is made of cold cast porcelain. That's a major difference between the 2 pieces.
Also, a Koto Rep (Gonk) stated that the fine art statue line won't be reissued. I clearly remember when Koto found a few Fine Art Magneto statues in their inventory (after they were sold out everywhere and ebay prices were high) and sold them for retail, many collectors were crying foul. They were *****ing on the forums that they were reissued pieces and Koto was trying to cash in. Gronk was kind enough to address the issues head on. He stated that there were only a very few pieces found in inventory and that they were all a part of the original run. He then went on to say that the Fine Arts line will not be reissued.
That doesn't mean a reissue on Spidey won't happen. I have seen a corporations need for profit outweigh any promises made. However, Gonk has put his neck out on the line saying that reissues in the Fine Arts line aren't going to happen. I haven't seen any reason to doubt him...yet.