Legalizing Marijuana

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Indeed. It would sure suck for us to put guys like this out of business AND make money off taxing it at the same time.

I laugh but that's how the dumb ass people of cauliflour voted. I don't even smoke pot and I would love to see it legalized.
I dont see how "legalizing it" in California would make a difference as far the Mexican Violence. A people of legal age that want to smoke have a BOGUS prescription. So they hasn't help , so why would making it legal help? Remember that even though if it had been Legal in CA that it would still be technically illegal and can be arrested by Feds. Plus you think all the violence on Mexican borders it to get weed to CA, there are another 49 states where they want to get product to where it still is illegal not to mention the 1000s of kids under 21 who smoke.

I for one am glad it didnt pass. Am I saying its bad, not really, but I still don't think they have all the systems in place yet as how to deal with people under the influence, testing levels etc... The reason it failed IMO is that there were way to many holes in the Prop that left a big legal mess if it had passed.
I dont see how "legalizing it" in California would make a difference as far the Mexican Violence. A people of legal age that want to smoke have a BOGUS prescription. So they hasn't help , so why would making it legal help?

This is what doesn't make sense. If any person off the streets can obtain a script why not just legalize it? You are talking about millions of dollars of tax monies. Now I'm far from Cali so I may be mistaken. However, if it were up to me and it would save me money on my taxes and people are getting it anyways I say go for it.
This is what doesn't make sense. If any person off the streets can obtain a script why not just legalize it? You are talking about millions of dollars of tax monies. Now I'm far from Cali so I may be mistaken. However, if it were up to me and it would save me money on my taxes and people are getting it anyways I say go for it.

If you read the prop i think you will understand the problems and see how open this prop was. Its 10 pages of just let me smoke pot if I am over 21 , and i cant smoke it while operating a vehicle or around a minor.

If they can write a new prop that is much better written and doesnt have so many holes I am ok with it. But they need to address so many more legal questions before people will accept it.
If you read the prop i think you will understand the problems and see how open this prop was. Its 10 pages of just let me smoke pot if I am over 21 , and i cant smoke it while operating a vehicle or around a minor.

If they can write a new prop that is much better written and doesnt have so many holes I am ok with it. But they need to address so many more legal questions before people will accept it.

I will check it out. Been meaning to read it. I think CNN reported that it had some whacky stuff about employer rules and stuff as well. I was trying to catch it but I was napping. :lol
Most controversial props never go through the first time and now that the cat is out of the bag; so to speak, we'll see a revised version of the prop in the future. These kinds of things are always a long battle but it will pass someday, you'll see.
Most controversial props never go through the first time and now that the cat is out of the bag; so to speak, we'll see a revised version of the prop in the future. These kinds of things are always a long battle but it will pass someday, you'll see.

It will be legalized nationwide, it's just a matter of time. Our grandchildren will laugh at us and talk about this as a time of prohibition.
I hope it's never legalized. It doesn't really matter to me, I don't smoke it. Yeah, it would help the economy if they put taxes on it and it is kind of stupid that alcohol is legal while this isn't. However, there's one reason I don't want to see it happen.

It's ____ing hilarious to see potheads come out of the wood work and start standing up and defending it when these kind of topics pop up. The ONLY time most of them start getting serious, wordy and political. They start throwing out all these arguments and essays in defense of marijuana like it's their relative or something.

"Man, man it ain't right, it would help stabilize the economy. It just doesn't make sense that our government and politicians don't see it that way."

Bull____, all you care about is getting your fix in legally. :rotfl
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Most controversial props never go through the first time and now that the cat is out of the bag; so to speak, we'll see a revised version of the prop in the future. These kinds of things are always a long battle but it will pass someday, you'll see.

Yeah I agree, I just think it was way to poorly written this first time to vote for it.

My translation of this version was "dude let me get high, I promise I won't do anything wrong"
One state is obviously not going to be enough to destroy the violent criminal element. Neither is one (and the most innocuous) drug enough. But every time a new proposition pops up and then gets shot down by those who think they have a right to dictate the behavior of their neighbors, is one cycle longer that the thugs can remain in power. Enough with the damned props: repeal prohibition wholesale at the federal level.

Makes me want to puke when I think of what American drug money finances.

I hope...

I hope trolling is prohibited some day. That way, college age children who are either too poor or too dumb to go to college, and have nothing better to do than be an obnoxious ____ on a message board will get hauled off to the Gulag every time they open their vindictive and festering sphincters online.
One state is obviously not going to be enough to destroy the violent criminal element. Neither is one (and the most innocuous) drug enough. But every time a new proposition pops up and then gets shot down by those who think they have a right to dictate the behavior of their neighbors, is one cycle longer that the thugs can remain in power. Enough with the damned props: repeal prohibition wholesale at the federal level.

So are you saying they we should have said ok get high, do what you want? Oh go ahead and drive after getting high but we have no way to determine if your really high so after you kill people we wont do much.
Bull____, all you care about is getting your fix in legally. :rotfl

I agree. :lol But this is the way with most things. Everyone wants their vices or taboos legalized and/or normalized so that they aren't labeled as an outcast or have to do those things in secrecy.

Get enough freaks together and they can submit a proposition to allow people to walk around with dildos strapped on their foreheads.

Eventually all the different fringe agendas such as drug use, poligamists, etc in this country are going to join up similar to how gay/lesbian rights somehow got folded in with womens rights and minority groups to form a larger more powerful coallition.
Okay, I've had enough and can't take it anymore.

Go ____ yourself devilo, I'm sure you're good at it by now.

THAT wasn't trolling. I think smoking marijuana is trashy and I get my own kick out of watching addicts and/or supporters squirm.

Your problem is that you care too much about things that society deems as "important" when you really have no need to have a say in any of it. I'm going to assume that's why most of your posts can be found in discussions about taboo, rights and politics instead of mindless fun.

I'm actually quite surprised you aren't religious with the way you act. Pompous, better than thou (of course with your attitude and view of life, you'll just deny all of it). ____, you're alot like me in terms of esteem and self image (unless you're really a meek little bastard in person). The only difference is I don't have brakes and I care about little.

What does it all matter in the end? Especially for you.

I don't know why you always have to act like you have a stick up your ass. Even when I'm not present you act like a talky, obnoxious know it all. I really pity you, I do. Not trying to sound like a ____ either, your life sounds miserable and negative.

Either put up or shut up and while you're at it, put me on ignore. I'm sick of you commenting on my posts.
If only some of you understood how many of your friends, family, fellow employees, doctors, and politicians smoked, it would blow your mind. reap what you sow. I thought your post was sadistic and showed symptoms of a totalitarian mentality. Since you have established a solid reputation for posting to get a reaction, I will continue to treat you as such. These are things you should have thought of before you spent a year using proxy server sock accounts to post porn, profanity, etc. at an all-ages site like Rebelscum (how many times were you banned?), and allowing it to be blamed on a site that had trusted you.

You want to be treated with respect by me? I've got some bad news for you, bud.

So are you saying they we should have said ok get high, do what you want? Oh go ahead and drive after getting high but we have no way to determine if your really high so after you kill people we wont do much.

No. Are you saying that prohibition laws stop people from getting high, driving, and killing people?
No. Are you saying that prohibition laws stop people from getting high, driving, and killing people?

I am not saying that it stops people but however the way the Prop was written left a HUGE legal loop hole and could get away with it much easier as long as they aren't smoking while driving. reap what you sow. I thought your post was sadistic and showed symptoms of a totalitarian mentality. Since you have established a solid reputation for posting to get a reaction, I will continue to treat you as such. These are things you should have thought of before you spent a year using proxy server sock accounts to post porn, profanity, etc. at an all-ages site like Rebelscum (how many times were you banned?), and allowing it to be blamed on a site that had trusted you.

You want to be treated with respect by me? I've got some bad news for you, bud.

Don't sigh me. Yeah, you've been waiting for that one. I thought we put the past behind us but I guess not. I have news for you, this isn't rebelscum, it's sideshow and I haven't done ANY of that ____ here.

You started this crap, not me.

Why are you mad at me Devilo? You always seem to take it out on me. If I don't make comments that you consider "trolling" and I'm passionate and post about Batman or something you chime in, "obviously a retarded statement, so stupid". No matter how I act you jump on my ____. Why?

Were you denied from college or something? That insulting quip about me going to "Gulag for posting" and hinting that I post here because I'm "too poor and stupid" to go to college really irritates me because, I am a college student.

Ya see, this message board is a hobby for me, as it is for most people on here. I love coming here and having fun and discussing similar interests. Debates are good too.

But for you, it's like your life and obsession.

After the failure of being denied from EVERY college in New England you decided to spend the rest of your life reading wikipedia to become some kind of self-proclaimed psuedo pretentious intellect internet scribe?

How is this exactly my fault?
90% of what you post can be interpreted as trolling (I'm hardly the only one to reach that conclusion; further, how many SSF bannings have you earned, and for what?), and for someone who knows your past behavior (what was that, ALL OF 2009...yes, miles in the past) what else do you expect?

You caused real financial losses for the site you blamed your anti-Rebelscum campaign on. And so you get to hang out here like it never happened? Why am I supposed to treat you like I do the people here who I have come to love and respect?

I don't care if you're irritated. I make up insults to fit the occaission. Feel free to take offense. You've earned it. And don't expect me to cower under your retaliations. Jumping on the 'devil is pretentious and uneducated' is one moldy-ass chestnut and I've fielded it from better men than you.

So either take your damned lumps, or cry to someone else. There are moderators here, and if that's not enough, I'm sure Darklord Dave would love to hear about how I've made you sad.