DiFabio...sigh...you reap what you sow. I thought your post was sadistic and showed symptoms of a totalitarian mentality. Since you have established a solid reputation for posting to get a reaction, I will continue to treat you as such. These are things you should have thought of before you spent a year using proxy server sock accounts to post porn, profanity, etc. at an all-ages site like Rebelscum (how many times were you banned?), and allowing it to be blamed on a site that had trusted you.
You want to be treated with respect by me? I've got some bad news for you, bud.
Don't sigh me. Yeah, you've been waiting for that one. I thought we put the past behind us but I guess not. I have news for
you, this isn't rebelscum, it's sideshow and I haven't done ANY of that ____ here.
You started this crap, not me.
Why are you mad at me Devilo? You always seem to take it out on me. If I don't make comments that you consider "trolling" and I'm passionate and post about Batman or something you chime in, "obviously a retarded statement, so stupid". No matter how I act you jump on my ____. Why?
Were you denied from college or something? That insulting quip about me going to "Gulag for posting" and hinting that I post here because I'm "too poor and stupid" to go to college really irritates me because,
I am a college student.
Ya see, this message board is a hobby for me, as it is for most people on here. I love coming here and having fun and discussing similar interests. Debates are good too.
But for you, it's like your life and obsession.
After the failure of being denied from EVERY college in New England you decided to spend the rest of your life reading wikipedia to become some kind of self-proclaimed psuedo pretentious intellect internet scribe?
How is this exactly my fault?