Kuzeh;6809102T said:
There's nothing "Godzilla" about Cloverfield...
Except that Like the original 1954 Godzilla it was a Metaphor for an attack that we had on our land (9/11)... That is why I think it felt more like a Godzilla film. The Tone of a disatater hiting us in the form of a Monster and seeing the aftermath of the attack is very much in the tone and style of the original Godzilla.
just a bunch of yuppie *******s trying to "save" a girl that doesn't give a rat's ass about the main character...
And a bunch of them end up dead for being stupid and following the biggest fool of them all
I don't get the yuppie argument (you are not the firsrt to have said this)... Aparently I don't know what a Yuppie is and why I should hate them. Do people just not like young succesful people???? Non of them were evil or mean. Also as for the girl not liking him... Wasnt he the one who broke it off because he was going to Japan?? Then he knew he made a mistake. Can't remember.. Been a couple of years since seeing it.
I couldn't wait for all of them to die horrible deaths... couldn't careless about any of them... seriously...
Don't know what to tell you.... It's now like any one of them was a bad person. They were friends and family. Trying to help a friend find a friend.
And all the crappy camera work plus the poorly designed monster makes this movie one of the most terrible movie-going experience I've ever had, right on par with Transformers 2, and that's saying a lot!!
Well being that it was handheld it was supposed to have that look. Personally I like the Monster design.. I think the makers of the new Godzilla did too because there are things about the MUTOS that look directly influenced by the Cloverfield monster.
Stay Puft is also a giant monster stomping in the city but has nothing to do with Godzilla...
Did the Tone of Ghostbuster feel anything like the tone of the original Godzilla 1954??? The trailer for the new Godzilla film tried to catch the tone of original 54 film also. But it ended up being a very different film. The Tone of Cloverfield had much more in common with the tone of the New Godzilla trailer and the 54 Godzilla
Also, most Godzilla movies are filmed from the human point of view...
I failed to explain what I meant here.... I meant that both films viewed the monsters from the Human "eye level / perspective" meaning where the camera was set up to view the monsters.... Not the actual Human point ot view
Maybe you saw a different Kong, of course he cared about the girl, but he destroyed pretty much anything else that stood in his path...
Did you missed how he destroyed the whole theater, cars, buildings, etc in NYC?
Kong in the Original tore a train apart and Chewed people up. His rampage through the city was much more distructive, not bumping into trains and slipping on the ice. He was more of a "monster" in the original. Not just a jealous Gorilla chacing after Jane's boyfriend. The original did not try and make you cry for him when the planes shot him down.
Except you couldn't see ****...
I could see evreything fine.... Don't know why you had the problems that you did watching this. But I will admit that handheld is not for everyone.
There's plenty of Godzilla movies where he's nice and friendly, even funny...
Except that was not the film that was advertised. We were not told that a Nice, friendly Godzilla was coming our way. If you are going to put out those trailers and then have the Title be just "Godzilla" then.... yeah.... You should probbaly deliver the movie you promised.
Had to google Hud... hahahaha! No... all of those guys were annoying as hell... I didn't identify with any of them, at all... as I said, I wanted all of them to die horrible deaths...
Well I don't know who you identifyed with in the new film... Since nobody had any personality except for Bryan C.... I guess people just don't like young succesful people. I had no issue with any of them. Even the *****y girl that Hud liked had the best line in the film "Oh my God you know who he (Superman) is also??" Good stuff.
To each his own... I guess...
100% agree.
I personally feel the tone of Cloverfield was perfect and it gave off the feeling of "what would happen if a giant monster came to NYC". Much like the Original Godzilla did with Toyko.