Allan look for it to be up aroun 5-6pm EST as it seems to hit around 4-5 here CST.
Thanks for the heads up.
Allan look for it to be up aroun 5-6pm EST as it seems to hit around 4-5 here CST.
They say it's as big as four cats, and it's got a retractable leg so as it can leap up at you better and you know what, it lights up at night, and it's got four ears. Two of them are for listening and the other two are kind of back-up ears, and it's claws are as big as cups and for some reason it's got a tremendous fear of stamps and Mrs. Doyle was tellin' me that it's got magnets on it's tail so's if you're made out of metal it can attach itself to you, and instead of a mouth it's got four arses
Is there a "strangest post ever" contest going on......![]()
I must confess I had never heard of Father Ted. I'm not familiar with alot of British television, though I must say I used to really enjoy watching Inspector Morse.![]()
I'm a big fan of the Helms deep look but I will have to find some info to make me happy with the sword on the hip. At this point it seems they just added a weapon he didn't use. To me it just looks as weird as a bow on Gimli.![]()
A few weeks ago I was planning to cast my pre-orders into the fires of Mount Doom. Then I saw the 12 Days of SS group pic and I've been struggling with indecision ever since.
I've been having a very similar experience myself. I was very close to letting the first two go, but the 12 Days image reinvigorated my interest as well. The line really looks sharp, and I like everything we have seen. However I've made it a priority to cut my debt down heavily this year, and on top of that I have a somewhat large dental bill coming up in the next month. Well, I mulled it over for the last time yesterday evening and decided I would just do what it takes to get this line for as long as I can and as long as SS keeps me interested. So far, every piece looks like a home run to me. So once I place the NRD order for Legolas today, that will be the end of my wavering. I will just have to sell some other parts of the collection to move ahead with this new one. Hobbit fever has taken me over.
Hang in there....another 6 hours to go.![]()
Thanks, I'll make it now. I'm committed at this point. The only difference is I may not be able to be a completist as I originally intended. But like so many others, I want to see all four hobbitses and I don't mind if they are paired either. And I would also like to see some baddies in this line as well. Basically the whole range. The bases are amazing and obviously complement the stunning sculptures we have seen thus far.
Bring on Legolas! And then ship me my Aragorn already!![]()
I just fired off a couple of long-winded questions to SS concerning the lack of maquette baddies. Hopefully they'll address this issue in short order.
Didn't they say they were focusing on good guys for the maquettes and bad guys for the PF's for a bit, then turning it around and doing baddies for the maquettes and goodies for the PF's?
Thursday, January 13th, 2011
Question : The new LOTR maquette line looks promising but it currently supports only good heroes. Do you have any plans to produce villains like Saruman, Nazgul, Mouth of Sauron, or even some monsters like Balrog, Fell Beast, Troll, etc?
Answer : Yes, most definitely, but the larger size of many of those characters will require us to invent some new ‘rules’ about size and format. For now, we’re most focused on the core characters and villains in more or less human scale.
THX Woodsy for the sword wielding legolas pics that makes me 100% sold. The hour is upon us hope all that want a EX get one![]()
I'm sort of feeling that if they shrink some of the larger villains, I would not be as interested. I'm hoping to keep everything in this line at the current 1/6 scale offering.
Not long now for Legolas!![]()