Wow. Sideshow's website is really slooooooooooow right now.
Ex locked in - ETA of 2nd Qtr 2011 is a little sooner than I expected, hopefully that date holds.
Also no NRD on the Ex if anyone noticed.
You're right, the "cancellation fee" box isn't present on the order page. It is present on the Capt. Hook PF page however. Perhaps SS messed up on Legolas?
The SS 360 feature is also up.
I've been having a very similar experience myself. I was very close to letting the first two go, but the 12 Days image reinvigorated my interest as well. The line really looks sharp, and I like everything we have seen. However I've made it a priority to cut my debt down heavily this year, and on top of that I have a somewhat large dental bill coming up in the next month. Well, I mulled it over for the last time yesterday evening and decided I would just do what it takes to get this line for as long as I can and as long as SS keeps me interested. So far, every piece looks like a home run to me. So once I place the NRD order for Legolas today, that will be the end of my wavering. I will just have to sell some other parts of the collection to move ahead with this new one. Hobbit fever has taken me over.
surprised to see the omission of NRD - thought for sure he would have it, maybe it comes with the next announcement?
That was a surprise to me as well, since Hook had an NRD...but I won't miss it too much!
Surely you're right's got to be on the next maquette...
the NRD may be for stuff over $300
I don't know about that. They hit the Mark V figure with it as well.
seems like Leggie was stuck in development forever, glad to have him locked up and moving on to speculate who the next maquette will be - Gimli or Arwen (or SS pulling the veil on someone they haven't shown at all yet)!!