Really happy to see this "sold out" in under 24 hours - that is great going forward into the maquette line - I think that 12 days photo might have sucked some back into the LOTR game, showing just how dynamic these seem they are going to be!!
It showed they had a few in the can ready to go as they work on getting even more ready. Showing the fans who had doubts that this line has support from SS so we support it.
That is true, but I don't think that would have mattered much had the quality of the sculpts not been as good as they are.
That is true, but I don't think that would have mattered much had the quality of the sculpts not been as good as they are.
Yup, and every time you open a box you get reinfected.![]()
I have to agree, gotta have the quality - but they are 3 for 3 in my book and not just lame static poses, but character driven and top notch.
But that's why i don't like the GTG - he should be more of a 'lame static pose'.... leave the super-hero look for the GTW statue i say. They say this line should capture the essence of the character, but i don't think they done that with GTG. The rest of the statues we've seen so far, yes absolutely. If they wanted to do a action pose for GTG i think there's alot of better options they could have gone with...... both arms raised in the air as he shouts 'You shall not pass!!' spring to mind.... he's lurching and it just looks too Marvel.
But that's why i don't like the GTG - he should be more of a 'lame static pose'.... leave the super-hero look for the GTW statue i say. They say this line should capture the essence of the character, but i don't think they done that with GTG. The rest of the statues we've seen so far, yes absolutely. If they wanted to do a action pose for GTG i think there's alot of better options they could have gone with...... both arms raised in the air as he shouts 'You shall not pass!!' spring to mind.... he's lurching and it just looks too Marvel.
Without sounding like a total fence straddler you can't go wrong with either. It all depends on what you want to see out of these characters that did have many different facets to them.
Without sounding like a total fence straddler you can't go wrong with either. It all depends on what you want to see out of these characters that did have many different facets to them.
Exactly. It all comes down to personal taste as to which aspect of GTG you want for your collection. The SSW version and the PF portray him more or less as a quite, stoic leader, and the maquette portrays him as a powerful wizard. I know the "super hero" label gets tossed around with the maquette and I really can't argue with that....because in some respects that's exactly what he was. Let's face it, he had powers and abilities no man, elf, or dwarf possessed and he accomplished something an army could not have, namely defeat the Balrog. Now that's what I call a "super hero".![]()
I'd agree with that. There is a lot to Gandalf if you read about the character and what you see on screen. Both as Grey and White you see leadership aspects and warrior aspects.
As I said the reason why I prefer the Ex pose is because you get both a sense of power and leadership with that pose. The regular is a bit more than I like.