Super Freak
Re: LES WALKER - All NEW Custom Works 2009
Amazing work on the Mola Rams Les!!!
Amazing work on the Mola Rams Les!!!
What exactly is un mola'd![]()
That would be a painted, bald man but not with the Mola touch. Its a great sculpt and one that I would love to have in my collection but I hate Indiana Jones.
I found the first movie tedious and boring.
The second rushed and mostly useless.
The third, was likeable enough, but due largely to the participation of Sean Connery.
The 4th? Well, even I could see how far away from Indiana Jones it had gotten and more into sci-fi.
Why have I seen them all if I don't like them? I watch with the family. Thats still the fun part.
Ford? Yes, can't disagree that he can play a good action hero. Just look at Han Solo.
Sorry it doesn't agree with other, or your, opinion of the film, but I was asked why I didn't like Indy. It was a pale imitation of the classic serials it tried to emulate.You found the first one, Raiders Of The Lost Ark "tedious and boring"?!Raiders is considered by millions of fans, myself included, as one of the true "classic" films of the last 30+ years! It is a near perfect film in my opinion.
Very well-rounded with action, humor, great special effects from I.L.M., and an incredible musical score from John Williams. One of the single BEST movies ever made!
Rushed? YES. The whole story seemed rushed. A prequel? C'mon, was that the only way Spielberg could get his wife work? Darker? No, just more senseless violence than the first."The second rushed and useless"?Indiana Jones And The Temple Of Doom was considered "darker" and more serious than Raiders by many critics and fans. But it is still a great movie. Rushed? No. Useless? Ummm...nope. There are some great sequences of comedy, action and drama in Temple Of Doom. Not the best of the four Indy movies, but definitely not "rushed and useless"!
Yes, Connery made the movie. The relationship between he and Indy and the vying for the girl, as well as Phoenix's role made it the most enjoyable of the fiilms thus far.The third, Indiana Jones And The Last Crusade...likeable enough largely due to the participation of Sean Connery. Well, Connery helped to make it a great movie. His special relationship with his son was outstanding. Their constant banter back and forth, and opinionated views on archaeology were fun to see unfold on the screen. Sean Connery being my next favorite actor right after Harrison Ford MADE this movie great for me! I thought the story was great, and so was the acting. I loved seeing a younger Indy, and liked River Phoenix's portrayal of him.
"Mutt Williams" character was completely predictable from the start and digging Karen Allen back up after all these years was nothing more than a ploy to bring in moviegoers.The fourth, Indiana Jones And The Kingdom Of The Crystal Skull. Well, it did have the "McGuffin" or the supernatural item that Lucas and Spielberg say Indy is pursuing in all the Indy something extraterrestrial. But again, that made it different than the previous three movies. This movie really gets bashed alot by both die-hard, and newcoming fans, and the critics. I still like it. Yeah, there were some goofy unecessary scenes like Mutt Williams swinging with the monkeys, and doing the "Tarzan yell"? I didn't think that should have been in there, but overall I still enjoyed the entire movie, and loved seeing Indy back on the big screen one more time.
Ford may have wished han to end after the carbonite, but he should realize, he's the actor, not the writer. In the end, is it a matter of opinion? Sure. And I like Han better than Indy.Yes, Harrison Ford DOES play a great action hero. I love Han Solo as much as Indiana Jones, but I know Ford has said more than once in interviews how he much rather return to the character of Indiana Jones. He felt that Han Solo's story was over at the end of The Empire Strikes Back when he got frozen in carbonite. George Lucas had to convince him to come back for Return Of The Jedi. He said Han getting frozen, was his "taking one for the team", and he had envisioned Han dying for his friends in Empire. Harrison Ford created two well-rounded, exciting, lovable and very memorable heroes in cinema history. Han Solo AND Indiana Jones. He'll definitely be long remembered as one of the best actors to ever grace the silver screen.
Boys, boys, boys! Opinions are opinions. Everybody's got one, and it's sacred every time. No sense fighting over movies which are a matter of personal taste. For what it's worth, my thread being derailed by an Indy debate is one of the few things I might allow to continue, as I am enjoying it, and would love to see it further, but can you two move it to an Indy thread? No worries, I am still laughing...and thanks for the A.M. laugh.
For the moment, as this is my thread, I will chime in one way or the other, then end it here...
I am between you two. I don't think of the series as godlike masterpieces, but they sure are not boring. Raiders was one of the best in theatre experiences of my life. Imagine in 1981 sitting through a horrid movie called The Night the Lights went out in Georgia (appropo title considering) only to see a sneak preview of some movie called Raiders, made by the men who brought us JAWS and Star Wars. So, I was there. Then, THAT movie showed! Indy, Marion, Nazis, opening the, it was NOT boring. I still think the lead in scene, and the ending Ark opening sequences are some of the best, most well developed crescendos in movie history. What a payoff to a chase!
By today's attention span challenged, it may be boring in pace (NOT to me) it was NOT that night!
The rest, I hated Temple when I first saw it, then got into the old Serials like Spy Smasher after meeting Bob Burns, and realized only recently that Temple of Doom is actually much closer to those old serials than even Raiders is. Still not my favorite, but a good one. Best single villain character in one of these BY FAR!
Last Crusade was always a silly-ish comedy to me, but I enjoyed it. I got tired of "JUNIOR!" "DAD!" all the time, but liked it nonetheless.
Crystal Skull was weird, in that it didn't feel like Indy of old, but the opening was fun, in the old warehouse, and I did like the spaceship taking off bit. Best part, with Mutt in the Nazca/Incan tomb. That one arm out to stop Mutt from walking in, made the movie for me. If Indiana Jones stops you from going into a tomb, LISTEN! LOL!
All in all, a fun debate guys, but seriously, just opinions. Settle down and be grateful we have such fun movies at all. Could be worse....
Back to my work, which is coming in spades. Shipping off five large boxes today. Broker than hell, so selling stuff asap to ship more. And would someone turn off the humidity down here! It's making dullcoat spraying a bi#ch! should know me better by now....
Chouzi, soon my friend. Cast up the Clarks and paints in prog. Supes also. I was looking to get all those out in a couple of weeks. Everything's taken a bit longer than I want it to, but everything is progressing. Hang in there, those won't take me too long once I get to them again.
All unpainted Supes shipping soon also. Shipping's been in tatters lately due to budget and time, but doing my best, guys.
No one wants all these done more than I do!![]() should know me better by now....
Chouzi, soon my friend. Cast up the Clarks and paints in prog. Supes also. I was looking to get all those out in a couple of weeks. Everything's taken a bit longer than I want it to, but everything is progressing. Hang in there, those won't take me too long once I get to them again.
All unpainted Supes shipping soon also. Shipping's been in tatters lately due to budget and time, but doing my best, guys.
No one wants all these done more than I do!![]()
OK, one photo for the day...
The first painted set of Mola Rams...
These and their bodies are all off to Blind Voyeur to do his magic on the costumes and more and then round two begins...
More when I can.