Having NEVER painted a PF before, and really enjoying the scale for once (my eyes), I had to take time to get a few shots of this one. It is not nearly as shiney as it looks due to my flash and camera, I just couldn't get shots without this blasted sheen, but it does have some intentional look of sweat here and there, so maybe those come through.
Anyway, amidst the last couple of weeks of work, and family traumas (Ma's fall, my sister's in-laws house burning down), I have kept painting when I could, and wanted to get at least the PFs out of here and make room on my desk for more of the other stuff, so finally, here's some PF work.
Indy at last. Trevor, you always stun me. Always. It was an honor to paint your work again. It always is.
Hope to ship this and more out this week. LOTS going on with my Mom. I've been at her side a lot this week. She's still in pain, and on heavy pain meds, as she has to have a lot of therapy to ever walk again, so please keep those thoughts and prayers coming. My sister's in-law family is all safe, they just lost a lot, including two cars, so some prayers for an old couple in north Atlanta would be welcome too.
Tired, and weary, but battling and painting for all of you still. Keeping Kung Fu Treachery at bay! (Nod to Black Dynamite

who I must have a figure of someday...) and keeping Hope alive and my Kung Fu strong!
Back soon with more news as I can.
Thanks all!!