Very impressive, never ceases to amaze me, I think Les could take the most blankly expressioned sculpt and put any desired emotion into it. It's incredible the life he is able to give his paint jobs. I don't know how he does it, but he manages to make them carry the relevant emotion of the character beautifully.
It reminds me a of a Sith eye representation of that moment where he turns to Obi-Wan, "You turned her against me!" There's this mix of rage but also pain and sadness all going on there.
Thanks guys. Again, painting PFs is a wonderful thing. I wish I had tried it sooner. They just got worked into the lineup, and are now clear and gone, which makes ROOM for so much other stuff. I simply needed the break from the 1/6 for a while, which is why they got done so fast. Fast being a relative word of course. Nothing's fast here, but I'm trying.
Anyway, shipped some EXPENSIVE shipments out today, and with no money in the coffers, must sell and must finish some more fast to be able to ship more. Hopefully will by the weekend or Monday. Hopping on them now. More to come, and more 1/6 than ever before. Hang tight gang. I told you a lot was coming from me, but I can't prep you for the avalanche of images to come. LOTS of stuff!
Thanks for posting the Ani. I was trying to get the emotional intensity in there. It's already there in that sculpt, just had to let it out a bit more.
Les, that Indy PF head is UNBELIEVABLE! I was drooling in anticipation of my 1/6 Indy repaint before ... now I'm positively beside myself! Can't wait can't wait can't wait ...
Great to hear you're getting through the backlog – hope that means things are on the up for you!