In 2 years...
Wolverine: the Early Years
Wolverine: the Early Years
In 2 years...
Wolverine: the Early Years
I guarantee you that we won't see a new Wolverine for at least 7-8 years.
You can quote me on that in 2026 as FOX reboots the franchise.
What's an xmen film without wolverine? He's in every movie. He's the front man. He is the xmen!!!!
I hope they finally show what happened at Alkali Lake.
What's an xmen film without wolverine? He's in every movie. He's the front man. He is the xmen!!!!
Ummm X-Men First Class? Arguably the best movie in the franchise, he was in it for 5 seconds. He's not needed to make a great film, and but it would be idiotic to think that Cable is such a great character that they would just discard Wolverine.
Cable will become the new front man.
He was still in the damn movie tho. Like I said. Can't have a xmen movie without wolverine
I don't know if this warrants an ALF laugh, or a Charleton Heston planet of the apes laugh. I will dwell on this before making a final decision.I guarantee you that we won't see a new Wolverine for at least 7-8 years.
You can quote me on that in 2026 as FOX reboots the franchise.
Oh hell no. That happens. . .and it's online petition time. I hate to pull out the big guns, but if they force my hand. . .Dear Fox,
Please have X-23 travel back in time and dedicate the movie, especially that part, to Karamazov.
He's suffering from EPD (Explosive Projectile Diarrhea) and it's his dying wish.
Your Dark Lord and Master,
Darth Snoopy
Dark Beagle of the Sith
You also said he's the frontman and he is the X-Men, that movie is proof that isn't true at all. Take his cameo out of that movie and it doesn't change a thing. That's my point.
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Meh yea that movie was good and all but didnt it make not as much money? Wolverine is the face of xmen . A movie without him feels odd. In first class you sorta knew he'd show up one way or another.
Okay, I wouldn't want to see a short Wolverine. Tom Hardy's height is perfect, and he's not short. If they had someone shorter, it would look awkward on screen. I think 5ft 9in is the perfect height.They should save the costume for the inevitable re-cast Wolverine (and they better not have plans to replace his character altogether with a time traveling X-23. . .or Fox can expect to receive a VERY sternly written letter of opposition from yours truly). Bring in a newer, younger, shorter guy. Introduce him wearing the suit, so it's what we all expect from the get-go. Go back to the personality he had in the comic through the '70s-'80s. Use him purely as a member of the X-Men team, no more or less significant than the others, and certainly not the star of the films. And you can breathe another 15-20 years of life into this franchise.
There can be too much of a good thing.
EeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeehI wouldn't want to see a short Wolverine.
Short and ugly Wolverine is MANDATORY next time! You hear? No taller than 5'5" otherwise we riot.
Young Bob Hoskins if possible, genetic tech is capable of rejuvenating him now, make it so.