Super Freak
Oi, he ain't bad, good choice.Do you have someone other than Bob Hoskins in mind who is 5ft 5in tall? Scott Caan maybe? I heard somone else mention his name before. He's 5ft 6in i think.

Either him or Peter Dinklage.
I think we have limited choices, kidding aside I do think Bane is a good choice but would he stay for the long run?
Well he ain't pretty (for comicbook standards), if he isn't ugly (and he's drawn super ugly sometimes), he's "rough handsome", idk how to put it.Logan isn't really ugly, just short
He's hairy, but so is today's standards anyway.
Just get a short muscular guy, who doesn't shave his body like Khev's boy, Chris Evans.
But yeah, any short angry looking dude with decent acting chops will do.