Another worthless list, but relevant to the thread.
The 50 "greatest" super hero performances.
50.Judge Dredd (Karl Urban)
48 Groot
47.Evey Hammond (Natalie Portman) V for Vendetta
45.Doctor Octopus
44.Harley Quinn
43.Black Panther
42.Mystique (Jennifer Lawrence)
41.Spiderman (Andrew Garfield)
40.Nightcrawler (Alan Cumming X2)
39. Wonder Woman (Gal Gadot)
38. Aunt May (Raimi trilogy)
37. Mr. Glass (Samuel L Jackson)
36.Hit Girl
35.Storm (Haley Berry)
33.Black Widow
31. Jean Grey (Famke Jensen -original)
30.Lucious Fox
29.Hulk (Mark Ruffalo)
28.Nick Fury
26.Zod (Terance Stamp)
25.Rogue (Anna Paquin)
24.The Crow (Brandon Lee)
23. Prof X (James MCavoy)
22. Batman (Christian Bale)
21.Peggy Carter
20.Alfred (Michael Caine)
19. JJ Jameson (Spidey trilogy)
18.Magneto (Michael Fassbender)
17.X-23 (Logan)
16. Loki
15.Star Lord
13.Steve Rogers/Capt America
12.Lois Lane (Margo Kitter)
11.Magneto (Ian Mckellen)
10.Spiderman (Tobey Maguire)
9.Catwoman (Michelle Pfeiffer)
8.Lex Luthor (Gene Hackman)
7.The Joker (Jack Nicholson)
6. Batman (Michael Keaton)
5.Pof X (Patrick Stewart)
4.Tony Stark
3.Superman (Christopher Reeve)
2. The Joker (Ledger)
1.Wolverine (Jackman)
Another worthless list, but relevant to the thread.
The 50 "greatest" super hero performances.
39. Wonder Woman (Gal Gadot)
Peggy carter? She's got nice bewbs but top 25 greatest comic book performance? What did she do besides uh die?
JJ Jameson should be number one.
Terrance Stamp should be #1 just for his performance and delivery of this line!!
![]() I am waiting for the 7PM show to start and the theatre is'nt even half full...
Well, I think it was good. I give it a 9, not a 10. It was better than people expected it to be. I shed a tear during some parts of the film because what I was seeing was so awesome. Especially when X23 takes out her claws for the first time and shows us what she can do.I just want to know is it in fact a good film or is the hype a load of bull***t.
Some really great lines. Have to say I also like Michael Shannon's performance of Zod.
Idk i still like MCU films. The way they approached this movie was the right way for the Wolverine character. I dont know if it will work for every character. Wolverine is more grounded imo compared to other Marvel characters.This movie is essentially a massive middle finger to the tired formula that's become paramount for the Marvel Studios films.
When you actually get to watch a CBM that's meaningful from start to finish, where character is a priority over set pieces and forced humor, you immediately realize how stale and pointless the MCU has become.
This movie makes it almost impossible for me to wanna return to the MCU.