Han's death was a shock, it just happened and his body fell. It was loud and didn't give you time to appreciate it. Logan was the exact opposite. It was quiet, took its time, let you take it in while you welled up and all the last 17 years of history came into your head as Hugh breathed his last breath. Harrison just cashed his cheque while Hugh said goodbye to us.
As if you don't always carry tissues and napkins around with you anyway for when you spill that spaghetti.
Han's death was a shock, it just happened and his body fell. It was loud and didn't give you time to appreciate it. Logan was the exact opposite. It was quiet, took its time, let you take it in while you welled up and all the last 17 years of history came into your head as Hugh breathed his last breath. Harrison just cashed his cheque while Hugh said goodbye to us.
Did anyone expect X24 to be Daken?
I did, for a brief moment, it would've been great.
At first I thought it was a dream, but I never thought it was Daken. To be honest I'm not really a fan of his character. I also think he ruins Wolverine's character a bit too in the comics I read.
No I agree, I'm not a fan of Daken myself, but I expected something like Daken in name only, with Daken or Sabretooth etc etc, the point of "the beast within" would've stood.Nah, that would have opened a whole other can of worms.
Same goes for Creed, Omega Red, etc.
It needed to be a showdown with his greatest adversary - the beast within.
Any old character that an actor has played for many years or decades that dies on screen will just be "pulling a Han" from here on out, including Wolverine.
Han's death was the perfect stimulus to get my eyes to roll.
Nah...Captain Kirk did it first.