Wolvie doesn't have super human strength or agility, unless he goes into his Berserker Rage©. Cap also has faster reflexes and cognitive processing in general because of the super steroids coursing through his veins. Given his recuperative powers, Wolvie probably has endurance on par with Cap, and of course, it would take a lot more to put Wolvie down. But, I think I would give that fight to the "fighting machine," Captain America.Once Capt gets separated from his shield, I don't see how he could last more than a couple seconds against Wolverine.
Once Capt gets separated from his shield, I don't see how he could last more than a couple seconds against Wolverine.
Once Capt gets separated from his shield, I don't see how he could last more than a couple seconds against Wolverine.
Well that certainly didn't take long to taint it.
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View attachment 331536
Another feather in Rogue One's hat lol
Oh that's adorable. Someone already forgot when Cap took on Black Panther (with adamantium claws) AND Spider-Man at the airport *at the same time* and bested them both.
If Russo Cap ever fought Logan Cap would just wrestle him to the ground, point his bare finger at Logan's head, make a "pow" sound with his mouth and blow Logan's head off a la X-24.
Yup yup.
All I see is DP desecrating (literally lol) Logan.
Oh that's adorable. Someone already forgot when Cap took on Black Panther (with adamantium claws) AND Spider-Man at the airport *at the same time* and bested them both.
If Russo Cap ever fought Logan Cap would just wrestle him to the ground, point his bare finger at Logan's head, make a "pow" sound with his mouth and blow Logan's head off a la X-24.
You do both know that's a fan film right?
I did not. If that's the case then nevermind.
Hunh, how can that be fan made, isn't that RR?!
What does that tell you about Deadpool. Fan made crap is indistinguishable from studio produced crap.