glad to keep u amused, mate. heh. i haven't played the game yet, somehow never got round to it. the last good game i played was god of war 2. geez i'm so out of touch.
that looks pretty badass.
y'know, the clones as depicted in the prequels never really were what i had envisioned in my mind, the first time obi-wan spoke of them way back in the OT. i mean, the similarities were there---a manufactured army of cloned humans. but i always saw them as being more like bishop from aliens. synthetic life-forms rather than 100% organic. i know that goes against the concept of clones, but in my head, the whole assembly-line factor of their creation kinda lent itself to them being more artificial in nature. the bad guys (whoever they were who created them---i hadn't thought that part through) just had an endless supply of these clones who could be easily and cheaply replaced on the battlefield. so the good guys would be ridiculously outnumbered by this factory-produced army, and only the supreme mastery of the force that the jedi of the old republic possessed would be able to take them on.
and in my head, u could see the face of the clone army. i never liked the concept of them being the precursors to the stormtroopers. to me, stormtroopers were just regular human grunts--- they just looked the same cos they were all wearing helmets n uniforms. but the clones in my version were creepy cos they had human faces but were totally expressionless. cold, unquestioning killers. kinda like an army of arnold t-800s, fully-fleshed, in identical body armour, wielding identical weapons swarming all over a vast battlefield, calmly and methodically blasting everything in sight. and on the other side, a small army of jedi. including a young obi-wan and his apprentice anakin skywalker. who used their wits, cunning and force-powers to outsmart the clone army...
sorry for the long-winded description. but just wanted to share.