So to all of those that have been devouring the special features, bonus materials etc etc for LOST.... are you as frustrated as I am following the "Across The Sea" commentary???????
For those who have not listened to it, at one point Damon and Carlton exchange a very telling sarcastic back and forth that causes you to step back and re-evaluate a lot. And frustratingly, it leaves you even more confused about the source/light/cork and its effects / roll in the show.
To paraphrase (remember, this is all said with full on sarcasm; sarcasm in the questionING not at what is being said mind you) :
D: Huh, now, Carlton, doesn't the light look a lot brighter in this episode than it did when we saw it in "The End"?
C: Why, yes it does Damon.
D: Huh, I guess that means you could deduce that the cork itself was implemented AFTER the events of this episode......
C: I think that would be a very interesting assumption....
And so on and so on.. that is the gist.
SOOOO not only is the light/source vague in the show itself (I didn't mind that.. i got what I needed and interpreted it for myself... the intended point, I believe), not only was the cork and Desmond's roll and actions again vague (and again, I didn't mind because I was able to suss out the meaning/implication of his actions and was satisfied)... but now, in the commentary of an already very divisive episode, instead of explaining, enlightening, Darlton is adding more confusion.
To say that the cork was added after MIB was turned into the smoke monster means that the Cork is nowhere near as old as the island/source itself, and yet, the marking on it pre-date Egyptian hyrogliphics. And if it was put in the source after MIB became Smokey... who put it there? And why? And for that matter, how?
He had just seen what happened when someone ventures down there, so i doubt Jacob could just mosey on down himself, pull of an ancient Stalagmite and stick his cone into the hole in the ground.... so who did? The MIB? why? AND... if the cork came afterwards... why did simply unplugging it reset Jacob's rules? Why did it turn Smokey back into a mere human? ANNNNND if Mother was the original Smoke Monster (something they all but confirm in the same commentary) then why wasn't the plug needed before????
Not to say Darlton haven't said things in the past that didn't add up or come to fruition... BUT this is different. At the time they recorded the commentary, they had already wrote and shot the finale. What purpose would it serve for them to bring up something that didn't add up if they knew it didn't add up??? They speak about it so specifically, with such knowing specifics that it tells me they know exactly who put the cork there, why, what it does etc etc etc. But I am really at a loss.
What I LIKE about this revelation, even in my complete lack of understanding over it, is the cyclical nature of the story threads once again being repeated and mirrored down the road.
The cork being placed in the source to harness/control the energy and presumably utilize it towards some end mirrors Dharma's attempts to harness/control the electro magnetism at the swan station. We all know how that ends.... a tragic event occurs (The Incident / The Birth of Smokey), Drastic measures are taken to correct the fallout of said event (Cork is installed / Swan Station is built over pocket of energy and computer is installed) and a protector (Jacob / Desmond) is in charge of monitoring that the object (Cork/Computer) while waiting for their replacement. If anything should go wrong, the protector can use their get-out-of-jail-free card (Desmond / The failsafe key).
I get all that, and again, love the rhyming... i just dont' understand how an ancient cone was used AFTER "Across The Sea" and how taking out undid everything that came before....
Come people smarter than I... put this together for me!!!