LOST discussion - thar be spoilers ahead!

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Please post about the game Tom and let us know what you think. I've thought about getting it and really want the game to be awesome but am afraid it's just running away from the smoke monster and talking to Hurley and such.

Dude, what's wrong with a conversation with Tubby?
I thought the fella that died say that people could get it coming and going from the island? Maybe I misunderstood?

It was from LEAVING the island; which begs the question, how did mirkowski get to the island? And who was his partner and he said: "we wanted to use see the ships tender"...wonder what the tender was.
Please post about the game Tom and let us know what you think. I've thought about getting it and really want the game to be awesome but am afraid it's just running away from the smoke monster and talking to Hurley and such.

I played it a bit today, and it looks like it's going to be a pretty short game unless the later chapters get longer. It's nice visually, but they didn't get the original actors to do the voices, so you get some weirdness with characters like Locke not sounding right. But it is exactly what I expected--an exploration and interaction game (with little puzzles like the hacking in Bioshock), not a first person shooter or similar action game.

But yes, you do run from the smoke monster and talk to Hurley, lol. I don't think that people who aren't fans of the show will enjoy it much--most of the appeal is in offering fans a chance to virtually visit the locations from the show and interact with the characters.
From what I read on IGN.com, the game only takes 4 - 6 hours to complete.

I'll probably skip it.
Got a little mistyeyed when Penelope said that she talked to Charlie.:monkey2

"I'm not crying. It's just been raining, on my face!" -FOTC
Yawn... bridging episode. Halfway in and no new info.

Last week was a tough act to follow. Still it's nice to see Tom and Goodwin again.
"YOU'RE MINE", ah, if I had a nickel every time that line worked for me.

And "see you at dinner" was fun. :D

Next week looks good, but a bit predictable. I wish they didn't advertise it the way they did. Oh well. It'll be nice to see Mikey again - what happened to Walt is the big question.
I thought it was a pretty good episode. And the advertisement's for next week was dumb "a face you never thought you would see again" is just a stupid tagline since people have been saying Michael will come back for awhile. Unless of course it isn't Michael and really is a face we never thought we would see again. Although I can't imagine who else it could be.
But you know outside of people that scour for news, most people that watch Lost probably don't know Mike is back.
So... Harper's been where exactly?... Hanging out in the woods while Ben's been parading through in shackles?... Some of these character additions start to make you scratch your head with their plot relevance or rather irrelevance... When do the Harlem Globetrotters crash on this hidden isle like they did for Gilligan?


OK episode... tired of people saying I could explain things to you but I won't and someone (ie Jack) doing a shoulder shrug like OK....
But saying "a face you thought you'd never see again" just cuts the legs out from under the surprise. Even if you weren't expecting Michael... you will now.

Unless it turns out to be Boone. :rolleyes: :lol

Harper was obviously the smoke monster and I wouldn't be surprised to see in a future flashback that she is actually dead.

So who do you actually trust... Ben or the freighter folk?

Creepy ol' Benjamin Linus for me.