Darklord Dave
Super Freak
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Maybe the very last episode will be a Richard Alpert flashback/forward and it will explain EVERYTHING.
Forgive me if this has been brought up before, but does anyone remember in Season 1 (os was it 2?) when they did a flashback on Claire, while she was still in Australia and pregnant, which focused on the nervousness of many people about the child she was carrying? I've always wondered what became of that storyline - after all, the child was born on the island, somehow ends up with Cate, etc. Just what "powers" or destiny is the child supposed to have>
The psychic said something about a couple in Los Angeles that were going to adopt and raise the child. Could that have been a psychic prediction about Kate and Jack? At first he was trying to convince Claire not to let this happen but then he changed his tune.
What in particular do you feel like they've glossed over or had as dead ends or red herrings, Andy?
Some mysteries they have not addressed in awhile, the numbers and the Adam & Eve skeletons come to mind, but I feel like they fit into the larger story and the writers will come back around to them eventually. Everything is unfolding nicely so far like a good novel IMO.
I feel like they've done a pretty good job of deepening the mystery of the big story while providing answers to smaller mysteries and clues to other things.
It seems like there has been so many unexplained things... Such as the mystery surrounding Walt and the dead birds, the arctic monitoring station (that honed in on the electromagnetic explosion) at the end of season 2, the four-toed statue, the Black Rock, the polar bear skeleton in the desert, the 'whispers' and almost supernatural qualities of the others, the 'recent' Dharma supply drops, Libby, the importance of Aaron (as mentioned above), the emphasis on 'good' survivors vs 'bad' survivors on the Others' "list", the "illness" that threatened Rousseau's people, and of course the 'numbers' and 'Adam/Eve' skeletons that you already mentioned.
I know the producers will try to address as many of these as they can before the show ends, but I get the feeling the explanations will feel rushed (if they are explained at all). They've admitted in the past to adding mysterious plot elements to the show with no intention of explaining them... That the 'mystery' is the whole point of the show. I like a good mystery as much as the next guy, but I'll be a little peeved if they leave too many loose ends!
I do agree they've done a good job of keeping the momentum going, finding a pretty good balance between answering questions and keeping the mystery. To be honest, it would have been VERY easy for them to dig themselves into too a hole too big to climb out of, I think the ending date for the show was decided in the nick of time. Hopefully they'll be able to lend weight to some of these past mysteries before the show's end, in such a way that doesn't make them feel like cheap plot devices.
This is a question I don't know if you can or will want to answer...Does Richard Alpert age?
CC: Does Richard Alpert age? I think it's a good observation to say that Richard Albert has been observed in various time periods looking the same, but I think that's all we want to say at this point in time. However, you will learn a lot more about Richard Alpert as the show goes on. He is going to become more prominent in the future of the show.
And it seems like the series has branched off in so many different directions. The scope of what has happened on Lost is just so vast and so intricate. As the series continues for the next few seasons, will things start to come together in some sort of cohesive way or are you still branching out further?
CC: We were actually laughing about this the other day. How, back at the beginning, finding water was sort of the crisis, not whether the island can be moved. The stakes have definitely risen.
We have two seasons left, so we think there will be more incredibly compelling complications for the characters before we get to the end, but again really the great virtue of the end date is that we will start wrapping things up, and we will be trying to tie up all the story threads.
We keep a list of unanswered questions, and we will be trying to answer most of those. Obviously, mystery is a part of life, and mystery is a part of the show. I guess we'll all have to see at the end of the day how satisfied people are, but it is our intention to try to wrap things up. I don't know if the show will become simpler, but hopefully in the wrapping up of these questions, it will be satisfying.
DL: There are some questions that are very engaging and interesting, and then there are other questions that we have no interest whatsoever in answering. We call it the midi-chlorian debate, because at a certain point explaining something mystical demystifies it. To try and have a character come and say "Here is what the numbers mean," actually makes every usage of the numbers up to that point less interesting.
You can actually watch Star Wars now and when Obi-Wan talks about the Force to Luke the first time we hear him, it loses its luster because subsequently the Force has been explained as, sort of, little biological agents that are in your blood stream. So you go, "Oh, I liked Obi-Wan's version a lot better," which in the case of our show is "The numbers are bad luck, they keep popping up in Hurley's life, they appear on the island."
CC: I heard that Obi-Wan had actually experienced the numbers. That's actually a big secret that's now been revealed.
DL: But if you're watching the show for a detailed explanation of what the numbers mean—and I'm not saying you won't see more of them—then you will be disappointed by the end of season six.
...Everything is unfolding nicely so far like a good novel IMO...
Apparently, major spoilers will be hitting the net tomorrow, completely giving away every moment, twist, turn, death, cliffhanger and kiss of the three part finale (on behalf of an insider leak). So be careful what you read if you don't want everything ruined for you. I am going to stay away from any Lost related sites until I'm done watching the finale on the 29th.
Apparently, major spoilers will be hitting the net tomorrow, completely giving away every moment, twist, turn, death, cliffhanger and kiss of the three part finale (on behalf of an insider leak). So be careful what you read if you don't want everything ruined for you. I am going to stay away from any Lost related sites until I'm done watching the finale on the 29th.