Sideshow Brant said:Oh, we're still cooking on the LOTR line, but man, each LOTR character requires quite a bit of effort, artistry, and research. The creative team feels immense responsibility with the LOTR characters. We're as excited about the next announcement as you are, but just want to hold off a bit until the figure is well and truly ready to be shown, with all of the production dilemmas sorted and squared. The pacing of the line should be a little more even after that.
Sideshow Brant said:Oh, we're still cooking on the LOTR line, but man, each LOTR character requires quite a bit of effort, artistry, and research. The creative team feels immense responsibility with the LOTR characters. We're as excited about the next announcement as you are, but just want to hold off a bit until the figure is well and truly ready to be shown, with all of the production dilemmas sorted and squared. The pacing of the line should be a little more even after that.
Sideshow Brant said:Oh, we're still cooking on the LOTR line, but man, each LOTR character requires quite a bit of effort, artistry, and research. The creative team feels immense responsibility with the LOTR characters. We're as excited about the next announcement as you are, but just want to hold off a bit until the figure is well and truly ready to be shown, with all of the production dilemmas sorted and squared. The pacing of the line should be a little more even after that.
Sideshow Brant said:Oh, we're still cooking on the LOTR line, but man, each LOTR character requires quite a bit of effort, artistry, and research. The creative team feels immense responsibility with the LOTR characters. We're as excited about the next announcement as you are, but just want to hold off a bit until the figure is well and truly ready to be shown, with all of the production dilemmas sorted and squared. The pacing of the line should be a little more even after that.
Seaward said:Okay, so for the SW premium format line, a lot of people speculated that Boba Fett was so complicated that he slowed down production, and they even switched the order of Luke/Yoda with Boba Fett due to production issues. Who do you think is holding things up for the LOTR premium format line? We've seen Frodo, so the rest of the Hobbits should be somewhat comparable (well, Pippin gets his Gondorian armor, so...) And the 1/6 line shows that they know how to make Aragorn, Boromir, Legolas. Would Gandalf be so complicated, with so many layers that he is the hold up? Maybe it's Gimli, with the intricacies of his armor? Any guesses?
KitFisto said:Come on SS. It's been a year since Frodo was announced. It would be nice to KNOW the line is continuing instead of hoping.
Captain Aldeggon said:Just as long as it's not Faramir....I'm too poor!!!
KitFisto said:I'd pass on Faramir easy. I want the fellowship, Saruman and maybe an Orc or two, but that's about it.