1/6 Luke Skywalker: Red Five X-Wing Pilot Sixth Scale Figure

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I'm torn between proudly hanging onto my PO's or cancelling and cowering until in-hand pics are up. Hanging on for now, aka $400 gamble. These are must-haves for me, but if it's another Drake...

I wonder what the next SS human sculpt release is?

Snake Plissken is due this December, but he's only got one eye to **** up.
I'm torn between proudly hanging onto my PO's or cancelling and cowering until in-hand pics are up. Hanging on for now, aka $400 gamble. These are must-haves for me, but if it's another Drake...
I'm in the same boat-I'm also hoarding my reward points to get a good deal on the taun taun. The Luke X-Wing price has me baffled-the recent 1:6 Vader was only $10.00 more and came with loads of extras.
I sure don't.

Hell, i think if Hoth Luke and Han aren't dead on it may be over.

Like Nathan Drake and their other recent human heads? It's not safe to assume anything. They have never produced a human sculpt at this price level of sophistication.

I know, but you have to admit they would have to be insane crazy to attempt something like this if they didn't know that the production would be bulletproof?

The first hurdle for them are the Hoth figures, if those look reasonably good, I have a feeling the Kool-aid will start to flow again. :lol
I like the sculpt very very much, but it's not an ultra spot on of Hamill. I mean, I don't think SSC can think "this is so incredibly spot on we can go and ask 240$ with no accessories) beacause people would die to have it". It's not SO impressive to me.
Whatever those two new blue clones names are -- top and bottom? -- their heads look pretty poor too. I just saw some in hand photos last night. They looked rough and a little derpy in the eyes and mouth. Similar issues as the Drake.
I know, but you have to admit they would have to be insane crazy to attempt something like this if they didn't know that the production would be bulletproof?

I've had the same thought, which makes me wonder if maybe they switched factories to one that HT uses. The switch would presumably ensure that the head production and painting would be HT quality. And a switch to an HT factory might also explain the price increase--maybe that place simply charges more in order to make the high quality heads HT has.
I've had the same thought, which makes me wonder if maybe they switched factories to one that HT uses. The switch would presumably ensure that the head production and painting would be HT quality. And a switch to an HT factory might also explain the price increase--maybe that place simply charges more in order to make the high quality heads HT has.

Would be cool if that accounts for all the delays with Han, Luke and Snake Plissken.
I sure don't.

Hell, i think if Hoth Luke and Han aren't dead on it may be over.
Yep, this is my feeling, as well. Those two threads will explode if Han and Luke come out looking like Drake. :lol

I've had the same thought, which makes me wonder if maybe they switched factories to one that HT uses. The switch would presumably ensure that the head production and painting would be HT quality. And a switch to an HT factory might also explain the price increase--maybe that place simply charges more in order to make the high quality heads HT has.
This could be the case, too, but it seems odd to raise the price on the (implied, at best) promise that this time it'll be different. You'd think they'd wait until they delivered on Hoth Luke and Han, say, or even were open about a production partnership with HT (on their blog or whatnot). It'll be interesting to watch and see, but with SSC, who knows. It wouldn't surprise me in the least if they haven't changed a thing and X-Wing Luke comes out looking derpy.
Yep, this is my feeling, as well. Those two threads will explode if Han and Luke come out looking like Drake. :lol

This could be the case, too, but it seems odd to raise the price on the (implied, at best) promise that this time it'll be different. You'd think they'd wait until they delivered on Hoth Luke and Han, say, or even were open about a production partnership with HT (on their blog or whatnot). It'll be interesting to watch and see, but with SSC, who knows. It wouldn't surprise me in the least if they haven't changed a thing and X-Wing Luke comes out looking derpy.

It wouldn't surprise me either if nothing has changed. Maybe they themselves are not 100% sure yet if whatever they're doing different is going to work.

I think they got majorly burned by the Drake production. The protos looked perfect--I truly thought Drake was a HT figure when I first saw a photo of it at SDCC. The factory probably promised them the final product would look exactly like the proto. Obviously when Sideshow saw production samples it must have been too late to turn back and they had no choice but to release what they did. Then (hopefully), they scrambled to salvage the Hoth Luke and Han by either giving the company an ultimatum to deliver (which could account for the delay), or they moved their production to another factory (which would also account for the delay). And with the X-Wing Luke, they said, 'screw it, we're competing directly with HT. It's time we pay the extra dough and use their factories. It's the only way our figures will ever compete with HT's"

Of course that's just my imagination at work. Or rather it's the optimist in me hoping that's what they're doing and why the cost has jumped so significantly. Like everyone has said, the way Hoth Luke and Han turn out will be a huge clue to what the future of Sideshow will bring.
pre-cancel x-wing.jpg
I would absolutely love it if SS switched factories like some are speculating, but i have my doubts.