Really? Wow.
Let me see if I can explain. This is, of course, only my point of view, but it's why Jedi Luke means something to me. (The Mike hit on this a little already...I'll expand.)
Star Wars (the original trilogy at least) is about Luke. He makes the classic Hero's Journey from being the young, naive farmboy who gets his father's sword and is led to adventure by the old, mysterious wizard. ROTJ is the culmination of the character. No longer the young farmboy, Luke is now more worldly and experienced. He's been thought great challenges, learned the truth about his father (the black knight), fought him, survived, and is now stronger because of it. He is no longer a squire to a greater warrior, he is a knight. Before his journey is over, he must face the black knight again and the evil wizard who took his father away from him. However, his greatest foe is the darkness inside himself. His father succumbed to it, so Luke knows the same weakness could be in himself. Even his clothing shows it, going from white in ANH, to grey in ESB, to black in ROTJ. In the end, he shows that his will is stronger than his father, thus he is a more virtuous knight. He saves his father, who in turn saves him from the evil wizard.
I hope that helps you understand. For some people, Jedi Luke is about more than boots and helmets.
Well sure, I guess if you want to get serious about it and everything. But I think my "badass green lightsaber" explanation still works pretty well too. Lol