1/6 Luke Skywalker: Red Five X-Wing Pilot Sixth Scale Figure

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Really? Wow.

Let me see if I can explain. This is, of course, only my point of view, but it's why Jedi Luke means something to me. (The Mike hit on this a little already...I'll expand.)

Star Wars (the original trilogy at least) is about Luke. He makes the classic Hero's Journey from being the young, naive farmboy who gets his father's sword and is led to adventure by the old, mysterious wizard. ROTJ is the culmination of the character. No longer the young farmboy, Luke is now more worldly and experienced. He's been thought great challenges, learned the truth about his father (the black knight), fought him, survived, and is now stronger because of it. He is no longer a squire to a greater warrior, he is a knight. Before his journey is over, he must face the black knight again and the evil wizard who took his father away from him. However, his greatest foe is the darkness inside himself. His father succumbed to it, so Luke knows the same weakness could be in himself. Even his clothing shows it, going from white in ANH, to grey in ESB, to black in ROTJ. In the end, he shows that his will is stronger than his father, thus he is a more virtuous knight. He saves his father, who in turn saves him from the evil wizard.

I hope that helps you understand. For some people, Jedi Luke is about more than boots and helmets.

Well sure, I guess if you want to get serious about it and everything. But I think my "badass green lightsaber" explanation still works pretty well too. Lol :D
This is a very memorable outfit for me. I can't not order it, but am glad I was able to coupon save the $20 because the price is absurd. A high quality farmboy Luke and white gown Princess Leia are what I can't wait for also.
What's the big deal with Jedi Luke? He didn't have a cool helmet or cool outfit. He wore those sissy boots. He's from ROTJ which sucked. I don't understand what the big deal is with Jedi Luke and why people want a figure of him...
You're either joking.. or looking for a barney. :lol
It was esb/Rotj at first but ss changed it to just Rotj regardless of any inaccuracies.
I'm sure so they can make just a esb version.
Look on the product page and it's says Rotj.

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Yeah I probably would have ordered this if I hadn't already seen some of the MUCH cooler Snowspeeder Luke customs that are out there, and which make the X-Wing Luke look so simple and basic in comparison. Now I just want to wait and hope that one of these gets made someday.

View attachment 155843

Can't stop thinking about this custom - does anyone know who made it and exactly what they used? I particularly wanted to know where the helmet and jumpsuit came from (Hasbro)? Any info would be great. Thanks.
Can't stop thinking about this custom - does anyone know who made it and exactly what they used? I particularly wanted to know where the helmet and jumpsuit came from (Hasbro)? Any info would be great. Thanks.

There looks like there were a lot of people that did this custom (jedijim seems to have been the first.) Judging by the vest, it looks like it could be Dorgmal Snow's, though there were a lot of these that all used similar parts.


It appears to be Medi Fett hands, custom white vest/orange jacket collar/glove gauntlets, Hasbro parts (leg flares, jumpsuit, webbing, chest box, repainted Walrusman jacket) Tomy helmet split to fit head, HT Luke Bespin parts (head, boots, gun, belt.)

Here are some links that you'll love re: Dorgmal:

Luke Snowspeeder:


1/6 Snowspeeder:

After seeing the other pics, the jacket is the SSC Luke Ceremonial jacket painted orange, not the Hasbro Walrusman jacket.
I've been changing/finalizing my 1/6 Star Wars plans. Unless a snowspeeder Luke gets announced any time between now and the end of the year, I'm going to go ahead and buy this pilot and customize it into a Hoth outfit. I'm not too worried about absolute screen accuracy, I just want the general look and the pieces are out there to get it close. The only real problem is going to be the jacket...right now it looks like boots and gloves from SSC Hoth Luke will do nicely.

The Probe Droid and Snowspeeder Luke are all I really need for ESB. If HT releases a great ESB Vader I may bite but it's not a must-have.

Star Wars is so rich it's easy to just keep going, but I'm thinking just two to three figures/characters for each film in the OT and I can be done with it.
I think if this guy had a gun is buy him... But that's what snowspeederl Luke will come with, so I may wait for him. Hmmmm
Yeah he is really lacking in cool accessories. Although to be fair there wasn't really much to that costume in the first place.

I honestly wish Sideshow had just skipped this look and gone directly for the Snowspeeder Luke instead (with perhaps the option to modify it into the more basic X-wing look if we wanted).
Missed opportunity here. They should've done the Kenner blaster as an exclusive and not the gloves. Or at least include the blaster.
