Boy...three in one month
is pretty remarkable...
I'm still stopping to stare at Kit and Anakin out on display in my workshop every time I pass though and now...WHAM! 3 more join the fray....
My main question about it though this going to be standard with this line...the "feast or famine" approach, I mean? Thankfully, I've been pulling alot of overtime lately $200.(US) slammin' all at once is a bit much. I'm hoping they are spaced out in the future a little makes one wonder if SS isn't going to experience MORE cancellations while folks struggle over which character to keep and which to try and pick up out in the "open" later....but I don't think SS will have to worry about unloading any of these...I'm sure the Waitlists are long and they'll all find good homes with enthusiastic fans...
Having said that, I'm delighted! Here's hoping the early bumps with glossy lips and falling limbs is avoided with these three...out of 'em, I'm looking forward to Obi-Wan the most...ever since seeing those preview shots way back when, I've been anxious for what looks like the ultimate rendition of a great jedi.
Mace looks cool too, but I'm in agreement with the comments about that tunic change....the proto one was much nicer (and looked more movie accurate too...check out the great over-the shoulder shots from AOTC when he's conferring with Yoda...the texture really jumps out). The new one in the SDCC pics looks drab in comparison. We'll know which one we got soon enough...
Han looks good too but...just from the SDCC pics floating around, it looks like he appears a little thin (like Luke did) because of the more tailored, form-fitting clothes on the SS body. Nothing a little well-placed cotton won't cure....
Here's hoping some great pics start surfacing of the finished products on these guys!