Mace Windu Shipping Soon Too!

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Darth Kustomizer said:
I just found this quote way to funny not to post it again...

Ahhh...that's what I love about collecting, someone is always b****ing!

I love that self-centered thought that it's all about me me me and what I want.

I received my notice as well!

Busy month with all the figures coming out as well as the SDCC exclusives that hit my doorstep yesterday.

Very cool!

I kinda agree with you on this. We ordered these things 6 months ago. If you can't save up $200 in 6 months, you really shouldn't be in this expensive hobby. I'm looking at my $4000 in pre-orders over the next 8 months and trying to figure out how the hell I'm going to make all that work. Thank god for X-Mas, Birthday, Bonus check, and tax refund. Gotta be sure to file them taxes early this time so I can get that check before Jabba, Yoda bust, Boba,..........
Darth Kustomizer said:
I just found this quote way to funny not to post it again...

Ahhh...that's what I love about collecting, someone is always b****ing!

I love that self-centered thought that it's all about me me me and what I want.

I received my notice as well!

Busy month with all the figures coming out as well as the SDCC exclusives that hit my doorstep yesterday.

Very cool!

It seems the general consensus in this thread is that the majority would like SS to space the figures out a little more.

I'm glad you think it's "funny" that I can't afford to pay for 4 $70 figures in less than two months.

Congratulations on looking like a jerk....
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They ship them as they're ready. Certain things take longer than anticipated. Obi was supposed to ship in May after all. They certainly don't plan to have this happen, they get a bunch of cancellations when it does. But I think the majority of collectors would rather they ship when the figures are ready rather than have the company sit on them for a couple of months.
Darklord Dave said:
...I think the majority of collectors would rather they ship when the figures are ready rather than have the company sit on them for a couple of months.
Or release inferior product.
I live pay check to pay check too, and the fact that Im going back to school soon means Ill have even less money to spend. However, everytime I preorder a figure I make sure to put the estimated amount in my savings account. When I get the impending arrival notices that money then goes into my checking account so SS can take it out. Does saving immediately mean that I have less money? Yes. Do I have to complain when three hit at once. Nope. The money is there. In the end it comes down to sacrifices.
Give me a Sidious so that I can display Mace about to strike! Then I can also make use of that arm stump. The best thing about these that I didn't mention in my last post but will here, we order these six months in advance. My last 3 pays pretty much ALL were ducked away for Jabba (mmm ramen.), and I know I'm good now till about March sooo when I get back to working more in December it is going to be to cover everything from about February till May. Some where in there better be more Sith though. Mace needs someone to fight... and lose to.
Plain and simple you shouldn't be ordering stuff you can't afford! There's other more important stuff out there besides collecting. That's why I'm doing it now before I get married. :monkey3
Darklord Dave said:
They ship them as they're ready. Certain things take longer than anticipated. Obi was supposed to ship in May after all. They certainly don't plan to have this happen, they get a bunch of cancellations when it does. But I think the majority of collectors would rather they ship when the figures are ready rather than have the company sit on them for a couple of months.

Understandable, but I'm new to SS and these SW figures are my first time dealing with them. Seems some of you regulars have seen them do this type of thing before.

I was simply more under the idea that they would ship one every couple months or at the most, once a month. That's been the pattern on this line so far.

I just wasn't prepared to see 4 of them ship in a month and a half...

Regardless, I don't think it should be "funny" to anyone that some of us have other finiancial burdens and to spend hundreds of dollars on figures in such a short time is rather frivolous and we are unable to do so.

creature4000 said:
Plain and simple you shouldn't be ordering stuff you can't afford! There's other more important stuff out there besides collecting. That's why I'm doing it now before I get married. :monkey3

I can afford long as they don't ship 4 figures every month and a half!
pjam said:
Someone should ask Brandt, he'll know.



For the record, Mace's tunic was a cross-hatched pattern of beige and brown in both AOTC and ROTS. The proto is MORE accurate...

Screen caps from both films confirm this...
The thing is, none of these are early. You should've anticipated the releases being somewhat close together when we were pre-ordering only weeks apart. The fact that Obi is included with these others shouldn't matter because he should've shipped months ago, giving you more time to plan and save.

I understand the financial burdens and restraints that others have but this is a different scenario with plenty of advance warning and time to account for those orders you have.
Theoretically it shouldn't be hard to put $50-60 aside with each preorder (assuming Star Wars 1/6 is the only line one collects) but it is for me. But I would say my excitement far outweighs the worries and if it comes to selling my blood, I will do that! :lol
I actually prefer the LOOK of the newer material. The first may be more accurate, but the matterial's cross hatching looks too big to be in proper scale. The Q figure suffered a bit from that look. That material was very stiff, so perhaps if this was the same or similar they went with a more soft and flexable material? I also thought the head sculpt looks much more like Sam in person (both before and after seeing the Snakes on a Plane panel).
I liked the prototype material MUCH better than what was displayed at SDCC. The SDCC version (and most likely what we're getting) looks more like to-scale burlap than the exquisite material on the prototype.

As for the headsculpt, it looks terrific, with my only complaint being that the eyes should have been sculpted a little bigger or protruding out a tad more.
Its interesting to note that the Mace Windu is shipping thread is it 96 posts while the Obi-Wan thread isn't even hitting 60 yet.. Could it be that we are more excited about Mace than Obi?
Darth Loki said:
The thing is, none of these are early. You should've anticipated the releases being somewhat close together when we were pre-ordering only weeks apart. The fact that Obi is included with these others shouldn't matter because he should've shipped months ago, giving you more time to plan and save.

I understand the financial burdens and restraints that others have but this is a different scenario with plenty of advance warning and time to account for those orders you have.

I don't think your theory that the time ordered constitutes the time they ship holds much weight.

Obi-Wan = ordered 01/06/2006

Ki Fisto = ordered 01/20/2006 ( already shipped)

Bespin Han = ordered 02/10/2006

Mace Windu = ordered 02/20/2006

SDCC Sith Anakin = ordered 04/28/2006 (already shipped)

Qui-Gon = ordered 03/17/2006

Given those dates, I don't see a whole lot of rhyme nor reason as to how SS dictates when the figures get sent. Four figures ordered over 3 months time all being shipped within basically one month is what I see.

Also the fact Obi-Wan should have shipped months shouldn't matter does make a big differnce to me because if he had shipped back then it would have been easily affordable given he would have been the only charge for one month. Now he's another $70 tacked on to almost $200 more which could be the difference between me now owning him or not when as before he'd have been mine no problem.

That's not even to mention the 1st 2 LOTR figures ordered way back in January and Febuary that we have no idea as to when they'll ship now because SS says they take longer to make.

All I'm saying is it would be nice to have a little better understanding of when we can be prepared to be charged.

Like I said before, I am new to SS's shipping practices and from what I have experienced from my orders so far there has been a substantial time lapse between shipments. I simply was not prepared to have 4 of them dumped into my lap at almost the same time and frankly it will cause me a lot of financial burden if I do keep the orders, which I want to more than anything.

Some of you guys obviously have more funds than me just from seeing the pics of your collections filled with PF figures, MR props and other high end collectibles I could definitely not afford. I don't know if some of you still live at home, get big school loan refunds or simply have great jobs and make tons of loot, but to chastise those of us who say "whoa SS, this is a lot at one time" with "oh well, you should have saved up the money" or "quit *****ing" makes me feel like I'm back on the rebelscum boards again.

I made a legitimate point that I for one am shocked to see this many figures shipping at once and that I wish SS would stagger them out a little better in the future.
pixletwin said:
Its interesting to note that the Mace Windu is shipping thread is it 96 posts while the Obi-Wan thread isn't even hitting 60 yet.. Could it be that we are more excited about Mace than Obi?
I think there's just more debate about Mace as far as sculpt, clothing material, etc. Obi-Wan seems to have the consensus for 'most anticipated' figure. I've heard so few complaints about him compared to just about EVERY other figure in this line.
Set the money to the side when you place the preorder, problem solved. I don't see what is so hard about it.