Mace Windu Shipping Soon Too!

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Poggle the Greater said:
I don't think your theory that the time ordered constitutes the time they ship holds much weight.

Obi-Wan = ordered 01/06/2006

Ki Fisto = ordered 01/20/2006 ( already shipped)

Bespin Han = ordered 02/10/2006

Mace Windu = ordered 02/20/2006

SDCC Sith Anakin = ordered 04/28/2006 (already shipped)

Qui-Gon = ordered 03/17/2006

Given those dates, I don't see a whole lot of rhyme nor reason as to how SS dictates when the figures get sent. Four figures ordered over 3 months time all being shipped within basically one month is what I see.

Also the fact Obi-Wan should have shipped months shouldn't matter does make a big differnce to me because if he had shipped back then it would have been easily affordable given he would have been the only charge for one month. Now he's another $70 tacked on to almost $200 more which could be the difference between me now owning him or not when as before he'd have been mine no problem.

That's not even to mention the 1st 2 LOTR figures ordered way back in January and Febuary that we have no idea as to when they'll ship now because SS says they take longer to make.

All I'm saying is it would be nice to have a little better understanding of when we can be prepared to be charged.

Like I said before, I am new to SS's shipping practices and from what I have experienced from my orders so far there has been a substantial time lapse between shipments. I simply was not prepared to have 4 of them dumped into my lap at almost the same time and frankly it will cause me a lot of financial burden if I do keep the orders, which I want to more than anything.

Some of you guys obviously have more funds than me just from seeing the pics of your collections filled with PF figures, MR props and other high end collectibles I could definitely not afford. I don't know if some of you still live at home, get big school loan refunds or simply have great jobs and make tons of loot, but to chastise those of us who say "whoa SS, this is a lot at one time" with "oh well, you should have saved up the money" or "quit *****ing" makes me feel like I'm back on the rebelscum boards again.

I made a legitimate point that I for one am shocked to see this many figures shipping at once and that I wish SS would stagger them out a little better in the future.

No one's chastising anyone. If that's what you're getting out of our posts, you're clearly misinterpreting them.

Look at your dates you have listed. Han and Mace were pre-ordered 10 days apart, and now they are shipping within about a week of each other (I don't know if anyone noticed the different expected in warehouse days for the figures or not). Kit shipped about 3-4 weeks ago, about the difference he was pre-ordered before Han and Mace. Obi got delayed and is now coming. We all knew that Vaderkin would ship right after SDCC. And I imagine we'll get a Qui-Gon notice in 3-4 weeks. I don't follow what's so hard to comprehend about this. The figures are basically shipping exactly 6 months (as I stated earlier) after pre-order. I'm not attacking your ability (or in this case, trouble) with paying for these orders at once. It's the fact that one can't plan 6 months in advance for pre-ordered items shipping within a certain time frame that has me baffled. $200 is nothing to scoff at at once, but over 6 months it's a little more than a dollar a day.
I think some of you guys need to be a little more understanding.

Isn't it possible that some people are behind on the stuff they collect and are trying to catch up when they see the opportunity? I'm still missing a Colonial Marine, a Predator, three modern Horror figures, a few Bond figures, several Hot Toys modern military figures and a few ancient soldiers from my collection that had to be put aside for currently shipping Sideshow and Hot Toys products.
So when a month comes up that I don't see anything else shipping from SSC in the immediate future, I'll hunt down those missing figures and add them to the collection which cuts into the money I might have saved for Sideshow's yet to be released product.
Sure I can avoid buying all the stuff I missed and just save for Sideshow, but then I'd never get something I would've really liked to own.

Also the time from announcement to shipping for Hot Toys figures is about 3-4 months, with $100 figures that hits the wallet hard and fast (not all HT figures come through Sideshow with their HT release schedule).
And there was a time that late shipping product from Sideshow was the exception rather then the rule.

Personally, I've had several unexpected costs hit me (dentist, court), a few opportunities to add figures I had passed up in the past, some SDCC exclusives in which the number of them and whether I wanted to buy them was unknown up until the preview, and then a short period of time between the preview for them and release which would make saving for them more difficult, and also a few unforeseen potential sellouts of things that if I hadn't bought at the time, I'd be paying Much more for them at a later date when I had hoped they would be still available for a reasonable price (HT Batman and Takara Catwoman).

It looks like I'll be able to afford many of the Sideshow preordered figures I had hoped to get, but if this had happened last month, I would've had to cancel most of them.
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I'm tight on budget right now. I had the money set aside, but an unscheduled cross-country move pretty well tanked my bank account and the funds I had set aside for the figures. So I was stucking away funds, but unfortunately these 4 figures all hit at the wrong time. But, luckily, I kinda have the funds and I'll be eBaying a few items I'm bored with so it should be okay.

I don't blame Sideshow, but it does kinda suck when all these guys hit at once, but I'll live and I know I'm gonna love the figures!!!
Darth Loki said:
No one's chastising anyone. If that's what you're getting out of our posts, you're clearly misinterpreting them.

Look at your dates you have listed. Han and Mace were pre-ordered 10 days apart, and now they are shipping within about a week of each other (I don't know if anyone noticed the different expected in warehouse days for the figures or not). Kit shipped about 3-4 weeks ago, about the difference he was pre-ordered before Han and Mace. Obi got delayed and is now coming. We all knew that Vaderkin would ship right after SDCC. And I imagine we'll get a Qui-Gon notice in 3-4 weeks. I don't follow what's so hard to comprehend about this. The figures are basically shipping exactly 6 months (as I stated earlier) after pre-order. I'm not attacking your ability (or in this case, trouble) with paying for these orders at once. It's the fact that one can't plan 6 months in advance for pre-ordered items shipping within a certain time frame that has me baffled. $200 is nothing to scoff at at once, but over 6 months it's a little more than a dollar a day.

Like the guys in the posts above me, I had some money saved up but that got wiped out because I lost my a few months ago. I wiped out all I had and even had to borrow money just to stay afloat.

During those months I could have skated by buying one $60 figure a month, even though it would have irresponable as hell. Now I'm about to start my new job Monday but won't get paid until mid-Sept. Even now I'll be able to get one, possibly two of these figures (thanks to my kind girlfriend covering one since she knows how much I love them) but feel I'm going to have to lose one and that sucks big time. Two figures being charged a week apart is bad enough but three? Not to mention another a couple weeks after that? Gimme a break Sideshow! I can't see how some of you don't see that this is a LOT of money that's going to be charged to many of us who couldn't save up for it.

I'm not trying to give a sob story but SS should realize not all of us can fork out $200- $300 at a time. Especially when we had assumed we were buying single $60-$70 figures that would ship some time apart from each other. This feels to me now like I am having to pay for a bulk load of figures at once which I never signed up for when I pre-ordered them individually. Even if I had the money right now, I wouldn't be happy having to fork out such a large amount at once.

Of course SS really isn't affected by this because if I cancel there are plenty waiting to take my order. However, as a new customer who has a buttload of pre-orders already and is planning on giving them a ton of business for possibly years to come, I would hope they listen to the few of us who are encountering difficulty when they ship 4 figures in a month.

I want all of the figures as bad as the rest of you, but it's not my fault SS had trouble with Obi-Wans cloak and had to delay him. I think they should have accounted for that delay and pushed another figure back to make the shipments more evenly spaced. I'm a 32 year old man and I can wait a little while longer to get a toy rather than have my finances screwed because of their random shipping process of these figures.

One figure a month is plenty fine with me and that's the way I think it should be.
Poggle, I hope things start looking better for you. I know it sucks to miss out on something like this. Paycheck to paycheck suxx. Nuff said.
Poggle anything you can toss up on eBay to scrape up extra cash so you don't miss any figures? I took a hard look at my collection after moving and was able to scrape together quite a few figures... sometimes a few lesser pieces need to get let go for the good of the collection. Or old CD's and DVD's can be another route.
galactiboy said:
Poggle anything you can toss up on eBay to scrape up extra cash so you don't miss any figures? I took a hard look at my collection after moving and was able to scrape together quite a few figures... sometimes a few lesser pieces need to get let go for the good of the collection. Or old CD's and DVD's can be another route.
Me too. In order to afford SDCC Vader I had to sell my much beloved ROTS Medi-Vader. I still mourn his loss but what can you do? :monkey2

Oh yeah. And so I can afford some of these ones coming out in the next quarter or so I will have to sell my guitar amp and 8 track recorder... These are the things we do.

I understand your plight and I'm sorry for whatever befell you to land on hard times for a few months. Unexpected expenses happen to all of us. I couldn't have possibly known about this until you just posted it. But you can't expect SS to hold back figures, especially 12", due to too much coming in a 4-6 week span. SS doesn't get paid until these ship to customers. That is cold hard cash they'd be sitting on, and NO company in the world is going to do that.

The only reason to even go through SS is for the exclusive, and the only exclusive that is a must have is Qui-Gon's poncho. The others are cool, but not a part of the costume. Save $8-10 each and get them from a retailer. Retailer's also get them 3-4 weeks later and would give you more time to save up.
Yeah, I guess I'm just really frustrated and bummed because this couldn't have happened at a worse time.

I know SS can't sit on a product when it's ready to ship but being new to dealing with them, I just never expected they would ever pile up on me with so many figures at once. Like I said, my first SS figure was Jedi Luke and after him it was a few months for Anakin and then another for SDCC Vader, so that was how I assumed the rate of the figures shipping would be.

I guess some of you may or may not feel the same, but I hate having a gap in my collection, especially this one. It nags the hell out of me that I had to cancel my Kit Fisto (after going through the pain of fighting for the exclusive) and I dread paying some scalper $100+ for it on ebay but I will eventually in order to have it. I really don't want to have to make a cut between Han, Obi and Mace because I want all 3 very badly, not to mention I've snagged the exclusives on every figure so far.

When I saw all of these notices in my inbox, my heart just dropped. If it was 2 months from now and I was back on my feet finacially I probably wouldn't have been that way, although I still would be feeling the hurt in my bank account. I can't blame those of you who have the money put aside for this rush of figures to be excited but I also feel for others like me who are going to sacrifice figures they fought through the ordering day hell for and want so badly.

I guess now I know that SS may pile up my orders on me so I'll be better prepared from now on although I really do hope, whether I have the funds or not, that they do stagger them out a little bit better in the future.
I have a CC that is just for SS stuff.

I pay it off each month, but still. You may want to look into something like that with a low $1000 limit or so.
I caneled my Mace. This is the one figure so far in the SW I was on the fence about since I ordered him. I hated Mace in the movies and didnt really like him much as a figure. So I went ahead and canceled him. Cant waot for Han and Obi though!
Anyone call Sideshow yet to see if they'll ship Obi-Wan and Mace together? Makes sense since it sounds like Mace will be within the two week period.
I know where you are coming from Poggle, I recently too have been struggling to climb out of debt (a series of mistakes and unfortunate events concerning a woman I should have never dated in the first place). This was almost a year ago and due to living on my own, paycheck to paycheck, and my (at the time) newfound affinity for SSC product... I had a hard time climbing out of the hole.

Thankfully, I have finally found a way to remedy it all.. My parents are going to loan me the cash and I will pay them back with my work at their tattoo parlor. So now I can finally afford to get my figures out of pocket and let my credit score recover (it was 400! :horror).

Keep the faith and it will all come together. I know it sucks with all of these preorders... Hey, I had $550 of stuff coming next month... I had to cancel a few items and reorder the Flex pay versions just to give me more time!

I hope it gets better man.... :cool:
Thanks for the kind words guys.
I honestly am not trying to come off as a whiny charity case, just a truly bummed collector who is so hooked on these SS figures that it turns me into a headcase when I feel I'm going to miss any. I'm sure most of you can understand that!

Anyway, I'm going to beg, borrow and hopefully not have to steal to get all of these figures.

If I pull it off you'll be sure to know from my post full of dancing wookiees.;)
Poggle the Greater said:
Thanks for the kind words guys.
I honestly am not trying to come off as a whiny charity case, just a truly bummed collector who is so hooked on these SS figures that it turns me into a headcase when I feel I'm going to miss any.

No worries. That's how I read it from the start and I feel your pain bro...
As a last resort you could always call Sideshow customer service and explain your situation. They might be able to work something out with you. Perhaps a sort of flex pay or even hold the items for you unti your paycheck?
Poggle the Greater said:
Thanks for the kind words guys.
I honestly am not trying to come off as a whiny charity case, just a truly bummed collector who is so hooked on these SS figures that it turns me into a headcase when I feel I'm going to miss any. I'm sure most of you can understand that!

Anyway, I'm going to beg, borrow and hopefully not have to steal to get all of these figures.

If I pull it off you'll be sure to know from my post full of dancing wookiees.;)

I may have an EXC. Kit available :monkey3 . If I decide to get rid of it and keep the regular, I'll sell it to you at cost.