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Me too. I think it's time has come at last! Now, if we can only find someone to build us a 1/6 scale V-8 Interceptor "Pursuit Special" model car, like Reinhardt suggested.... :google


I like that. But first things first. I need a Max, and I need at least one villain, preferably Wez. But I'd go for a Humungus as well. Actually I'd like both.

Max with Wez and Humungus on the shelf would look AWESOME!

I MAY be making one at some point this year... keyword is MAY.
I'll know in a couple of weeks if it's feasible.

I was half joking, but man, that would be right up there with the Aliens Power Loader in terms of :google power! That sounds like a very ambitious project indeed. Do keep us posted though, something like that would be grail material to quite a few of us I'd imagine. :D

I've actually come across some very thin pigskin leather at a local hobby shop, but it runs pretty high. About $30 for half a yard. I'm thinking of trying it out. I still really like to find the type of faux stuff that Sideshow or Medicom uses, but I'm sure that stuff is imported or done over in their production factory. If we could find something like that, it would keep the cost down for us.
What about the headsculpt. Has anyone ever done a commisioned sculpt?
I had talked to Andy a while back about sculpting a newer version. I think he would do it, but I have no funds to front the commission and I'm not sure how all of that works.
Would also need to see if someone knows anything about casting in rubber or plastic. That way we can reproduce the boots.

Any suggestions?


Sounds like an excellent place to start. Old wallets would also be good for thinner stuff like belts, straps, etc.

At last! Billy can sew leather, so it might be a good idea to shoot him a PM and let him know what you've got. I've been thinking that black glove leather would probably be about the right thickness and texture for 1/6 scale jackets and pants. Do you have anything like that, by any chance?

I would be interested in joining in on this project... but are we looking at a Mad Max or Road Warrior Version? My preference would be Road Warrior. But if we have Andy sculpting I'd be cool with either.

That pigskin does sound pricey, but it might be worth it to make one set of jacket and pants just to see how it works out. I'm still trying to find a source here in Japan somewhere for a good imitation leather, but I just don't have a lot of free time to devote to it. I'll keep trying though. I'd like to hear more about the scrap leather Rawrington has available. If we can work something out, it might be a lot cheaper than having to buy it commercially.

Regarding the boots, I bought a pair of New Line's German Infantry boots for my figure. I don't actually have them yet, but they looked very similar to the boots Max wore in RW, so I thought I'd give them a try. They're also made of real leather, so they can be weathered to look more natural than plastic boots.

Molded or cast boots would likely be a good option too, but I don't know how expensive it would be to have them produced in small numbers. Definitely worth looking into though!

I would be interested in joining in on this project... but are we looking at a Mad Max or Road Warrior Version? My preference would be Road Warrior. But if we have Andy sculpting I'd be cool with either.

I think at this point most of us are going for a Road Warrior Max. Wor-Gar is also keen on a Mighty Wez, which would also be at the top of my list of first picks. I'd eventually like to have versions of Max from all three movies, but for now it looks like the RW will be first. I really hope we can get Andy to come on board with us. That would really kick this project into high gear.

I think at this point most of us are going for a Road Warrior Max. Wor-Gar is also keen on a Mighty Wez, which would also be at the top of my list of first picks. I'd eventually like to have versions of Max from all three movies, but for now it looks like the RW will be first. I really hope we can get Andy to come on board with us. That would really kick this project into high gear.

Cool, thats what I thought... still interested anyway.

I think at this point most of us are going for a Road Warrior Max. Wor-Gar is also keen on a Mighty Wez, which would also be at the top of my list of first picks. I'd eventually like to have versions of Max from all three movies, but for now it looks like the RW will be first. I really hope we can get Andy to come on board with us. That would really kick this project into high gear.

Yes, somehow Wez must be done. If I have Max on the shelf, I NEED a good adversary to go with him.

Humungus is also one I want. If we could find those muscle bodies that guy on ebay uses for his custom Conan that would be perfect. Then just a hockey mask and his speedos and that cross-pattern leather chest thing. Oh, and his silver gun (same one used with the HT Terminator, right?).

On the Max leather jacket front, wouldn't the Saturday Toys jacket that everyone used for the T2 figure work? Cut a sleeve, add the shoulder gear and there ya go.

Also, on the sculpting front as far as an accurate Vernon Wells WEZ goes, I think Spenser would be a good choice. He does excellent work. It all depends on if he has an interest in the subject.

One last thing...

I'm so happy that people seem to be interested in figures from ROAD WARRIOR and that everyone seems to be coming together to help make it happen.

This could be the very first Freaks group-effort custom figure.
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There are other characters I'd really like to have besides Max, too... Wez, the Lord Humungus, the Gyro Captain, just to name a few, but I think it might be best if we concentrate our efforts on getting Max done first. It's a good idea to keep exploring possibilities for other figures while we're doing it, like seeing if Spenser's willing to sculpt Wez for us (and maybe some other characters, as well)... great idea by the way! Once we've got the ball rolling and have some of the production issues worked out, it ought to be a lot easier for us to get started on the some of those other ones.

I discussed the Saturday Toys biker jacket with Billy a while back. I have a set and was thinking about converting it into a RW costume. While it's perfect for the original Terminator, it's quite different from Max's jacket and would require a fair amount of tweaking. I believe Billy used a Biker Brawl jacket and re-sewed it for his RW. Converting existing jackets is definitely not a bad idea, if you can find the jackets parted out, but it still requires a fair amount of modding to make it reasonably accurate. Here's another idea...

If enough of us want RW figures, I'm thinking it might be worth while to have some sets of screen accurate leathers made for us, either in real leather or the imitation stuff. I'd personally rather buy a perfectly accurate, custom-made outfit instead of having to chop up a perfectly good set of Terminator leathers, but I'm prepared to do that if it is absolutely necessary. I'm going to have a Road Warrior on my shelf by the end of this year, one way or another!

So, is anyone else at least interested in exploring the idea of having some RW outfits made for us? Please leave your comments, guys!

How would you go about getting the outfits done? Is there someone out there that does that actually does that and at what price? With a basic set of leathers and be down for at least 3 sets, one for each movie.
I have a great source that breaks down each costume. The only thing that truly changes is the jacket between MM and RW, but other than that you would have a nice set. Could also use them for additional characters from MM. How about a Goose?
I think you're right on the boots, there are plenty of nice ones out there to use. But there are some details in RW that might be hard to reproduce.

What about the head commission? Has anyone had any experience doing this? We really need a fantastic sculpt to bring it all together. I'll see if I can find more out about it.

Sounds like we could really be moving with this!


There are other characters I'd really like to have besides Max, too... Wez, the Lord Humungus, the Gyro Captain, just to name a few, but I think it might be best if we concentrate our efforts on getting Max done first. It's a good idea to keep exploring possibilities for other figures while we're doing it, like seeing if Spenser's willing to sculpt Wez for us (and maybe some other characters, as well)... great idea by the way! Once we've got the ball rolling and have some of the production issues worked out, it ought to be a lot easier for us to get started on the some of those other ones.

I discussed the Saturday Toys biker jacket with Billy a while back. I have a set and was thinking about converting it into a RW costume. While it's perfect for the original Terminator, it's quite different from Max's jacket and would require a fair amount of tweaking. I believe Billy used a Biker Brawl jacket and re-sewed it for his RW. Converting existing jackets is definitely not a bad idea, if you can find the jackets parted out, but it still requires a fair amount of modding to make it reasonably accurate. Here's another idea...

If enough of us want RW figures, I'm thinking it might be worth while to have some sets of screen accurate leathers made for us, either in real leather or the imitation stuff. I'd personally rather buy a perfectly accurate, custom-made outfit instead of having to chop up a perfectly good set of Terminator leathers, but I'm prepared to do that if it is absolutely necessary. I'm going to have a Road Warrior on my shelf by the end of this year, one way or another!

So, is anyone else at least interested in exploring the idea of having some RW outfits made for us? Please leave your comments, guys!

What about the head commission? Has anyone had any experience doing this?

I started a sculpt commission with Spenser for the Goldfinger (in my sig) and Blofeld sculpts a while back which I think went rather well. He also ultimately did a Largo for that same group. Search the forum for "BOND villains" and you'll see the thread.

If we could get a group of at least 10 people guaranteed to buy one sculpt I think he would consider it. I know he's done a Max 1 sculpt before.

Without being premature, I assume this would be the list so far of interest:

1. Wor-Gar
2. Billy B
3. Mudshark

We can let this list grow and see who's up for it. So whoever checks in here, if you'd be into a group commission Max (Road Warrior) head sculpt, sign up and if we have enough interest we can contact Spenser to see if he's interested in doing it.

Keep in mind, for many people here, the sculpt alone isn't enough. They'll want the outfit and gear as well so in the end they can have a whole figure.

So we must press on with the outfit as well. I know Billy sells kits of the Max gear, so that's covered. I guess it's just figuring out the basic outfit (boots, pants, jacket, t-shirt).

That was fast:

MAD MAX - ROAD WARRIOR Version Sculpt Commission List:

1. Wor-Gar
2. Billy B
3. Mudshark
4. Rawrington

Spenser, if the others are willing, could you approximate a likeness of Andy's sculpt?


Hope Andy doesn't mind!

I'm interested as well... what is the cost of the gear that BillyB makes? If someone could post it or PM me I'd appreciate it.