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Please chime in with your support or comments on the sculpt. I know we're moving fast here, but let's know who's still in.
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here's some shots of the raw sculpt, I'm casting one up now so I'll post pictures of the casting, and possibly a painted one later.
Just to clarify, the LIST is still sign up if you want in! There is no limit at this time.
Here's the list so far of those INTERESTED:
MAD MAX - ROAD WARRIOR Version Sculpt Commission List:
1. Wor-Gar
2. Billy B
3. Mudshark
4. Rawrington
5. Les Walker
6. Galactiboy
7. drjedisith
8. superado
9. Evilface
10. Gruff Old Bear
11. Migwit
12. sladesuperagent
13. kl241
14. Randy of AFTimes
15. Fistfulmetal
16. Darkartist
17. Reinhardt (pending sculpt)
18. Ironman1188
The Mighty WEZ Sculpt
1. Wor-Gar
2. Evilface
3. Rawrington
4. Les Walker
5. Gruff Old Bear
6. Billy B
7. Darkartist
8. Mudshark
9. Ironman1188
If you don't see your name and want in, just post.
Please chime in with your support or comments on the sculpt. I know we're moving fast here, but let's know who's still in.