yah sorry I was reading this baseball article, pretty interesting but why bring it up today?
"The late Billy Martin's tumultuous reign as Yankee manager included moments of anti-Semitism and racism, Hall of Famer Reggie Jackson says in an upcoming television interview.
"I never had an understanding of Billy Martin. I did not accept the way he managed me. I did not accept the way he managed Ken Holtzman. I thought there was anti-Semitism there," Jackson says in a sit-down with Bob Costas that will air Monday at 9 p.m. on the MLB Network.
"I couldn t accept that, Jackson adds. I couldn t accept the racial epithets in reference to players like Elliott Maddox or Billy Sample. There are players that played for him that would tell you that (he made racist or anti-Semitic comments about those players). So there was an uneasiness, a knowledge about the person that I was very uncomfortable with... I wasn't his choice and he wanted to show George (Steinbrenner). So that was kind of an oddity, a craziness that I never could follow, and I struggled to have respect for Billy as a person and had it reinforced with the anti-Semitism that I witnessed."
In a telephone interview Thursday, Jackson said he's not the first person to detail some of these issues and that he wishes it got more attention during the Bronx Zoo era. He says he s simply trying to prod people and perhaps educate them about the time he played in. He is calling it the way I saw it, he says, not slamming the Yankees, nor trying to "trample on a man s grave."
"If somebody asks you what it was like and you're my age (65), you can't run from the truth," Jackson said. "This is what it was. Has (society) changed? Yes. Has it changed enough? No."
"Someone needs to know that this is what happened. I don't hold anybody responsible. I have forgiven, but not forgotten and the minorities of the world have experienced it, not just me. Let this be a reminder that we need to be a little bit better."