Not only that, I mentioned this before but I'll put it out there again: The P2 Elder Predator does not have silver armor either. The HT figure is wrong. Everyone assumed the P2 Elder had the same color armor as P1 because the costume uses the same exact armor. But it's a completely different color. Almost Black.
armor color is not the only difference between HT figure and movie Grayback.
(yes, Grayback or "old predator" is how the crew called him. "elder" grows from yautja universe which i hate).
well, here is another difference which i didn't see noted anywhere:

as you can see, his armor is not just "blackened Predator 1 armor with bigger cannon platform".
it has a blade box from Predator 2.
p.s. i did it to my grayback, just cutting a piece of plastic in front a little and making a hole in it.
the whole wrist armor is from P1, only the blade box should be taken from P2.
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