Man of Steel (SPOILERS)

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Re: The Man of Steel

"Snyder showed the new trailer, which debuts with next week's release of The Dark Knight Rises. The trailer has a sort of Batman Begins vibe to it, a heightened sense of reality that allows the fantastical elements to really stand out"

:yess: So excited for this. We might finally have a good Superman film!:lurking :lol
Re: The Man of Steel

"Snyder showed the new trailer, which debuts with next week's release of The Dark Knight Rises. The trailer has a sort of Batman Begins vibe to it, a heightened sense of reality that allows the fantastical elements to really stand out"

:yess: So excited for this. We might finally have a good Superman film!:lurking:lol

I dunno. The original 1978 film is still my favorite superhero movie of all time.
Re: The Man of Steel

Reeves nailed Clark and Superman which carries the movie but the effects are very dated especially when you compare it to today's Superhero movies. Some of the plot elements like the theft of the bombs is also pretty campy.
Re: The Man of Steel

Personally while I love CRs Supes portrayal, the films themselves have not aged that well for me.

I'm ready for a different, modern take on it
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Re: The Man of Steel

I don't think the effects are any more dated than Star Wars or Alien, and the story itself has been the template for every origin film from Spiderman ('02) to Batman Begins.
Re: The Man of Steel

Yup Superman the Movie is the best.(and my fave superhero movie to date) Let's hope this is good though.
Re: The Man of Steel

The effects being dated is not the issue really

Just don't think the stories themselves really hold up particularly when it comes to the villains and their characterisation
Re: The Man of Steel

The effects being dated is not the issue really

Just don't think the stories themselves really hold up particularly when it comes to the villains and their characterisation

A megalomaniacal terrorist wants to send off nukes and kill millions of people for the land benefits. You're right. Especially since that would never happen in real life.
Re: The Man of Steel

Reeves nailed Clark and Superman which carries the movie but the effects are very dated especially when you compare it to today's Superhero movies. Some of the plot elements like the theft of the bombs is also pretty campy.

Add to that the complete ignoring of basic science for the earth's rotation sequences. :lol

The effects being dated is not the issue really

Just don't think the stories themselves really hold up particularly when it comes to the villains and their characterisation

It was perfect for it's time. Today's audience is more douchy and jaded.
Re: The Man of Steel

Yupp and douchy jaded modern audience wants something different, new, nuanced, more sophisticated

And I'm pretty sure we'll get it next year, just a question of whether it succeeds at what it's trying to achieve or not
Re: The Man of Steel

Bryan Singer had the right idea. Donner's Superman was the perfect origin story, so why try to fix what wasn't broken? Just use that as the jumping point and go in a different direction. Unfortunately Singer's wasn't where most people wanted to go. Even if this film is brilliant, it will still feel a remake of the original with a darker shade of paint, and less of a sense of wonder (I'm sorry, but TASM really burned me when it comes to origin reboots.)

My thing is with fifty to seventy years of exciting stories, I'm tired of seeing the same origins redone every other decade. I swear, if the next Batman opens up in the alley behind the theater, I'm losing my ____.
Re: The Man of Steel

Time for a Superman movie to surpass Superman 1 and 2.

Way overdue.

Will always love the original 2, but lets do this.

Don't know if Sucker Punch Snyder is the main to do that though, Singer sure wasn't.
Re: The Man of Steel



Re: The Man of Steel

Love the soundtrack choice - Journey To The End of The Line by Hans Zimmer from The Thin Red Line... One of my all time favourites :D

It really looks good from that crap footage