Hot Toys: Batman 85 Years Announcement Speculation

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Holy crap this “event” was completely abysmal. The audacity of including the ‘66 Batmobile in that promotional image is astounding.

Put Clooney and O’Donnell up for preorder and be done with it - then forfeit the license. They clearly don’t care and only have it solely to block competitors.
Holy crap this “event” was completely abysmal. The audacity of including the ‘66 Batmobile in that promotional image is astounding.

Put Clooney and O’Donnell up for preorder and be done with it - then forfeit the license. They clearly don’t care and only have it solely to block competitors.
Thats what they would do if they gave a crap about the customers or the market.
Alas Howard seems motivated by pure spite, he would take the rights to his grave if he could get away with it so no one else can make money or get figures not in his collection even after death.
I don't expect anything less from them, 12 years after announcing the Returns license and seeing Penguin and Catwoman requested constantly ever since.

I hope they don't announce their own Catwoman, it seems like something Howard would do. Joost deserves all kudos his company is getting, Selina looks fantastic.

I'm more interested in seeing what other characters he'll do, like Jeffrey Wright's Gordon and Zoe Kravitz's Selina.

I don't care who does it though - I want a figure of Oz!
I don't expect anything less from them, 12 years after announcing the Returns license and seeing Penguin and Catwoman requested constantly ever since.

I hope they don't announce their own Catwoman, it seems like something Howard would do. Joost deserves all kudos his company is getting, Selina looks fantastic.

I'm more interested in seeing what other characters he'll do, like Jeffrey Wright's Gordon and Zoe Kravitz's Selina.

I don't care who does it though - I want a figure of Oz!

Six Feet Lane / Mars Toys is doing one, although he’s likely still a ways off. “The Bar Boss”.


Really needed a **** eating grin with his gold tooth visible though. If I were to get a 2022 Penguin, I’d want that, with his Iceberg Lounge suit.


Yeah so done with HT after this. Apart from 92 Batman I don't see anything else being done. It would be great if InArt or Joost do more DC figures or obtain the full rights to figures. HT should lose those rights and not come near it ever again or given a stipulation that if they start a line based on a DC property they need to do the entire line similar to how they put out Marvel and Star Wars.
Hot Toys’ days of completing full lines are likely over, people thought Deadpool would bring a ton of releases but it honestly hasn’t and the hype for that film has since fizzled out. Don’t see any real new lines for SW either.

DC has always got the short end of the stick because its characters are typically from films 10+ years old, with the odd new one here and there. I knew when The Batman released that no other characters would get made from it.

If they don’t properly revisit DC films now during this slow period, the likelihood of them doing so when film & tv begin to crank back up is very low. Unfortunately us DC guys don’t really have other options, InArt, JazzInc, and JND won’t pick up any real effective pace in a years time.
Really needed a **** eating grin with his gold tooth visible though. If I were to get a 2022 Penguin, I’d want that, with his Iceberg Lounge suit.

It always makes me laugh seeing villains and characters with obvious dental work like that, because I know what goes into having it done. Like the idea of having Cobblepot sit in my chair, receive anesthesia, and then sit for an hour or two to prep and impress a bridge or a few crowns is just such a funny image.
Hot Toys’ days of completing full lines are likely over, people thought Deadpool would bring a ton of releases but it honestly hasn’t and the hype for that film has since fizzled out. Don’t see any real new lines for SW either.

DC has always got the short end of the stick because its characters are typically from films 10+ years old, with the odd new one here and there. I knew when The Batman released that no other characters would get made from it.

If they don’t properly revisit DC films now during this slow period, the likelihood of them doing so when film & tv begin to crank back up is very low. Unfortunately us DC guys don’t really have other options, InArt, JazzInc, and JND won’t pick up any real effective pace in a years time.
So sad because the entire reason they got big is because they literally branched out and made plenty of Batman figures. They made a healthy amount of many things. Sadly they got to big and released to many things no one wanted and held onto rights just so no one else got them. Also the iron man repaints.

Seriously they use to do Nolan verse a Justice during those early 00s years but ever since avengers 2012 hit they have had disneys hand so far up there ass
Well they are a business first and foremost.
Back then, Nolan’s trilogy, Burton’s films, Rami Spider-man trilogy, Alien, Predator, were all the rage. I think this is largely due to Hot Toys customer base at the time being grown adults that grew up on these films, hence catering to their audience.

Once Marvel’s Avengers and cinematic universe took off, a lot of the old customer base dissipated, opening up space for younger new collectors eager to chase the new character designs, providing Hot Toys enough fuel to extensively execute lengthy lines without fear of overproducing.

Now, with the MCU wrapped up, lines finished, a lot of those new collectors have either since moved on from the hobby selling off their MCU collections or are now beginning to branch out to other older IPs they weren’t originally interested in.

The writer strike, among Hollywood’s slower paced past two years has forced companies to revisit old material, which is bringing back older collectors. It’s a cycle, they want to appeal to the youth 15-25, not guys with families. Make no mistake, it’s not their intention to revisit these old franchises.

There was a huge spike in collecting throughout the two years of Covid with everyone trapped at home. Now that it’s over, people don’t want to be tied down to material possessions, they want to travel, like never before.