Man of Steel (SPOILERS)

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Re: The Man of Steel

So it WILL be tied to the wider DCU? Great news if so

It appears that way. Although what that means isn't that we'll get cool little nods or awesome cameos in here, what it means is that we'll have Cavill's Superman established as the DCU film's Justice League member. Possibly.

I'm also surprised that they let the cat out of the bag that this may indeed be loosely tied to a larger DC film universe. I figured they'd deflect that subject until closer to the film's release. We're still nearly a year away.

They've got years of hype to build, The Avengers changed everything for WB since they were big "it'll never work" people and are now "we'll make it work" people. I wouldn't be shocked if Man of Steel gets overshadowed by folks at WB/DC talking about how it will tie into a Justice League film instead of focusing on it solely.

Sure Gotham was mentioned in Superman Returns. As was Ireland :yess:

Yeah and Metropolis was mentioned in Batman Forever but none of that matters now, The reboot will wipe all from established Bathistory including the Nolanverse and Man of Steel will wipe all of the Superman mythos before it.
Re: The Man of Steel

Well the first and most important thing for MoS is for it to be a great Superman film.

It potentially being the jumping point for a wider film DCU and eventual JLA film would just be icing on the cake.
Re: The Man of Steel

I was kinda pumped that Nolan was going to work on the Man of Steel, but I guess he is moving on now. I think he brought a sense of what a comic book movie adaptation should be. I am going to miss the Nolan Batman movies....I guess we just have to look forward to the next person who will try and remake them. I am not a huge Superman fan, but I am pretty excited about this movie. DC seems to have their stuff together ....but there was Green Lantern ....
Re: The Man of Steel

I was kinda pumped that Nolan was going to work on the Man of Steel, but I guess he is moving on now. I think he brought a sense of what a comic book movie adaptation should be. I am going to miss the Nolan Batman movies....I guess we just have to look forward to the next person who will try and remake them. I am not a huge Superman fan, but I am pretty excited about this movie. DC seems to have their stuff together ....but there was Green Lantern ....

Well Nolan HAS co-written MoS and has had/may continue to have some input as a Producer.

Beyond MoS though I think he's moving on from the DCU.
Re: The Man of Steel

and on to the Terminator universe :pray:

Just a futile hope of mine, he isn't doing any such thing

I don't think you'd want that. :lol

I can see him doing a Bond film, if we're talking existing franchises.

But more likely (IMO) his next project is something original like Inception or Memento.
Re: The Man of Steel

Why not. He'd certainly be better than Mostow or Mc****ingG. I think if anyone could truly resurrect Terminator from mediocrity besides Cameron it'd be Nolan.

Listen to this man, it makes sense. The action would be excellent and the detail would be top notch. A lot of people are hard on Nolan cuz he comes off as arrogant at times but he's a real sharp film maker imo. I'm a big fan.
Re: The Man of Steel

Listen to this man, it makes sense. The action would be excellent and the detail would be top notch. A lot of people are hard on Nolan cuz he comes off as arrogant at times but he's a real sharp film maker imo. I'm a big fan.

Sounds like Roger Federer in tennis. At times says things that could be taken the wrong way but you can't deny his genius.

Of course its pointless to even talk about. I don't think Terminator would even be on Nolan's radar. I'm sure Bale is done professionally with it aswell so you probably couldn't even hope that he'd give Nolan a nudge.
Re: The Man of Steel

I hope Nolan takes on Sucker Punch 2.
