Man of Steel (SPOILERS)

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Re: The Man of Steel

I still like Hatcher best as Lois, with Durance a close second. Sure Durance is the hottest Lois, but I never liked how her character was shaped in the show. For a while I thought they were going to kill off Chloe (whom I loved!) and Clark would have realized how great Chloe was only after she was gone and perhaps had died in a way that he couldn't save her. Then Clark would meet Lois years later who was very much like Chloe and finally get to "make up" for what he lost with Chloe. But then they introduced Lois on the show and kinda wrecked the Supes mythos.

So then I thought, well, maybe Chloe will die :)() and Lois will take up her cause and become a reporter to honor Chloe. But that didn't happen either. She seemed to just kinda fall into it, which is a little lame since Lois is defined by being a reporter first and foremost. It wasn't just a career she just stumbled across.

As far as Kidder, I never liked her much. I thought she was very unattractive and I didn't see that much in her character either. However, when I saw all the other women audition for Lois in the DVD, many much prettier than Kidder, I saw how Kidder absolutely NAILED the audition. She was the standout and she added a quirkiness and charm to Lois that the others didn't have in the least. It was a landslide win for Kidder. So I have since gained respect for her performance.
Re: The Man of Steel

I think Teri Hatcher was pretty fine. :dunno :lol

Agreed. She is pretty hot. When it came to looks, she was my fav. :love

Re: The Man of Steel

While I still haven't seen the last 2 seasons (I have them, but haven't got to them yet), I have loved Smallville. There is an insane amount of fluff, chessiness, and a LOT of fat that should have been cut, but overall it's been a HIGHLY entertaining alternate Universe to the Superman story. Definitely best watched on DVD/blu so you can do those marathon viewing sessions. If I was watching this week to week, I would have probably not enjoyed it nearly as much. You really see a story arc happening when you watch the episodes back to back.

By far my 2 favorite characters up to Season 8 have been Lex and Green Arrow.
Re: The Man of Steel

Teri Hatcher, in the first 2 season of Lois and Clark, was the pitch perfect Lois Lane. And still the best in my opinion. Smallville's Lois was hot, but she was like a tough version of Rachel from 'Friends' to me.
Re: The Man of Steel

I just hope its the same footage that was shown at the Con.

From what I've read the online release is supposed to be "shorter" than the Comic-Con footage. I read the synopsis of the footage and I'm not sure what they'd cut but that's what they've said.

I'm really interested in DC/WB's next move especially since the whole "This is just MY Superman and not a Justice League Superman" stance isn't being held as firm all of a sudden.
Re: The Man of Steel

From what I've read the online release is supposed to be "shorter" than the Comic-Con footage. I read the synopsis of the footage and I'm not sure what they'd cut but that's what they've said.

I'm really interested in DC/WB's next move especially since the whole "This is just MY Superman and not a Justice League Superman" stance isn't being held as firm all of a sudden.

Avengers, like Nolan's Batman, changed things.
Re: The Man of Steel

Right but the film wasn't filmed with that idea in the background like Iron Man was. Which means that whatever would be put in would have to be an afterthought (after the credits extended scene?) or simply stitched together and it doesn't help that the next DC film wouldn't be until 2015. Should be interesting.
Re: The Man of Steel

From the rumor mill

"But I have been told details of one specific scene in particular, in which Superman breaks apart a building and uses the building itself as a weapon in some kind of ‘super martial art’ fashion. “Girders as throwing stars” was the specific example I was given."

Yes! sounds bad ass, as Zack Snyder said, a boy scout he is not, hopefully this is true and we get to see some serious chaos.
Re: The Man of Steel

It's true. Supes does some cool stuff in this one. Definitely stuff you've never seen him do onscreen before.

I'm also surprised that they let the cat out of the bag that this may indeed be loosely tied to a larger DC film universe. I figured they'd deflect that subject until closer to the film's release. We're still nearly a year away.