Man of Steel (SPOILERS)

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Re: The Man of Steel

That Lee suit is a catastrophe.

I agree on the Returns suit. I like the texture. I like the raised "S" a lot. I'm indifferent on whether they make the S bigger ... looks fine to me. I like the S on the belt, and I like the boots. I think they should probably brighten the red and yellow A LITTLE. Keep the blue as is. I wouldn't mind the yellow S on the back ... unless it would screw up the texture of the current cape. I like the leathery cape better than the cloth one.

They seem to be using the same suit for Smallville, so I'm wondering if they're already sold on the suit. The S may be bigger and a bit brighter.


Re: The Man of Steel

I think the Returns suit is fine. I like the small chest symbol, reminds me of golden age Supes, and I never did understand the point of the yellow S on the back of the cape, even as a kid. Just brighten the colors a bit, shorten the cape just a hair and lose that stupid S shield on the belt buckle.
Re: The Man of Steel

I think the Returns suit is fine. I like the small chest symbol, reminds me of golden age Supes, and I never did understand the point of the yellow S on the back of the cape, even as a kid. Just brighten the colors a bit, shorten the cape just a hair and lose that stupid S shield on the belt buckle.
In the John Byrne Man Of Steel relaunch,
If I'm not mistaken, Clark mentions that the "S" on the front and back has a symbolic look that he wanted.

Besides I have always loved the "S" on the back. without it the death of Superman cover loses it's impact.
Re: The Man of Steel

From what I've just read on the Superman Homepage, Zimmer won't be using the Superman theme. Wants to "reinvent!"

Well let's hope he reinvents better than fo Batman. BB was a great movie, TDK sucked big time, and clearly, the score of both didn't even rise to the level of Batman or Returns...

The more I read about this prject (Nolan, Hamm, Zimmer), the more I'm afraid... :(
Re: The Man of Steel

From what I've just read on the Superman Homepage, Zimmer won't be using the Superman theme. Wants to "reinvent!"Well let's hope he reinvents better than fo Batman. BB was a great movie, TDK sucked big time, and clearly, the score of both didn't even rise to the level of Batman or Returns...

The more I read about this prject (Nolan, Hamm, Zimmer), the more I'm afraid... :(

WHAT!!! that cant be true :horror:monkey4:cuckoo:
Re: The Man of Steel

The score for BB and TDK worked. The theme from the Burton movies would not have fit and would have been re-done anyways if they used them.

The "superman theme" may not even fit this movie. Why put something it in just for the hell of it? Just go listen to your Superman soundtracks. :monkey5

It was :cuckoo: to expect it anyways.
Re: The Man of Steel

From what I've just read on the Superman Homepage, Zimmer won't be using the Superman theme. Wants to "reinvent!"

Well let's hope he reinvents better than fo Batman. BB was a great movie, TDK sucked big time, and clearly, the score of both didn't even rise to the level of Batman or Returns...

The more I read about this prject (Nolan, Hamm, Zimmer), the more I'm afraid... :(

Ok we know you don't like TDK - don't have to drag it into the conversation all the time man :slap
Re: The Man of Steel

Ok we know you don't like TDK - don't have to drag it into the conversation all the time man :slap

Sorry, but I feel so alone on that point... and I just can't understand why everyone seems to like it! That's all! Probably why I keep repeating this! So sorry again for that..

Plus I'm starting to get bored at all the post about TDK... I was hoping that after a few month, the madness would stop but no! It goes on and on and on...

... and the reason why I repeat it is because I'm really scared for Supes. I mean, come on, Supes is the opposite of Batman. So why choose someone who succeeded made Batman what he is now? Superman must not become a clone of Batman... and that's the way this thing is heading! I don't want it to become TDS! The Dark Supes!

... donner's film may be updated, and though I never liked some aspects of it (Luthor was bad and Kidder not the best choice), it' obvious this guy had understood the nature of the character. Here, I feel like the only thing they've understood is that TDK=$ so let's make TDK=Superman.

I want a director that cares, not a studio dummy!


This is just what I mean! found this reaction by Donner and the guy expresses exactly what I'm afraid of: FX and action over characterization:

"Well, I think he could do a great job. You know he's certainly a good director and hopefully he's got a good handle on it," answered Donner. "I mean I thought Bryan (Singer) did a wonderful job with the other film (Superman Returns). You could just do massive action and blow up stuff, but he chose to do the characters more, although he had some beautiful stuff in there. So I hope nobody tries to compete. I hope Zack doesn't try to compete and I don't think he's that kind of director. I don't think he's going to want to compete with the best effects out there. I'm tired of it already. I'm tired of those ... what are those machines? Transformers! Really, I mean they were great but lets settle back people and focus on the characters. The characters in Superman are just wonderful."

BTW, if you guys want to see what horror we escaped from (Tim Burton's Superman), check the Superman Homepage today. There are plenty of pictures of what the suit should have looked like: Here's the direct link:
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Re: The Man of Steel

Moviehole spoke to “Superman Returns” co-writer Michael Dougherty this week (on our weekly podcast) who, although never officially onboard to pen the libretto for the follow-up, discusses what he might have done had he gotten the chance to.
Just two years ago, “Returns” director Bryan Singer was developing and planned to direct a sequel to the 2006 film. The first to admit that his first Man of Steel movie was a “romantic movie”, Singer promised a more action-heavy outing next time round.
‘’The first one was a romantic film and a nostalgic film,” he said in a 2008 interview. “I’ll be the first person to own up to that without making any apologies for it. I knew it was going to be that from the outset. And now that the characters are established, there’s really an opportunity to up the threat levels…Clearly there’ll be a body count [laughs]. From frame one, it will be unrelenting terror!”
Warner Bros never officially greenlit Singer’s follow-up though, nor had they assigned Dougherty and co-writer Dan Harris the task of scribbling down a story for it.
“There was never any official deal for the second one”, Doughety tells The Hole Cast. “There was always talk and whispers and stuff but nothing ever got off the ground.”
Had he gotten the call, the writer (now director; he helmed “Trick R’Treat”) says he would’ve introduced “Other Kryptonians – I’ll be purposely vague about that” into Supes’ world.
These Kryptonians “wouldn’t necessarily be evil right off the bat”, says Dougherty, “That’s too easy and cliché. I don’t think people just show up and they’re evil. In my mind, if the Kryptonians really were a space-faring race – which they obviously were – then it would only make sense that there would’ve been colonies and off-planet missions. So yeah, the possibility of other Kryptonians making their way to Earth seemed like a pretty big one in my mind.
“I think it’d be interesting to see how these other Kryptonians show up, land and have all these powers and [have to learn] how to adapt to them – when Clark got to grow up with [the powers]. Ya know… if you woke up with super powers tomorrow I think you’d have a pretty tough time adjusting to them”.
Dougherty might have also written “certain other classic villains” into his sequel.
“Brainiac was always interesting”, he admits.
One gets the impression that Dougherty really wanted a shot at penning the sequel , if only to right some of the wrongs of “Superman Returns”.
“ I feel like a lot of the stuff that we had taken out [of ''Superman Returns''] – either stuff that we had shot and got cut, or stuff that was cut from the script – could have helped [the film] more. I see all the potential that it had – I love action, so I wanted action, and I was the guy in the room who kept whining about wanting a super villain”.
Despite the disappointment in regards to the film, Dougherty has kind words for Brandon Routh, his film’s Superman, and believes there’s a possibility we mightn’t have seen the last of his Man of Steel. Regarding rumours that Routh may get another shot at playing the character in Zack Snyder’s “Man of Steel” (due 2012), Dougherty says “I’m sure they’ll talk.. at least I’d like to think so”.
To hear the whole interview with Dougherty, who talks a little about the “Giant Robot Movie” with he’s making with Robert Zemeckis and his involvement in a flick that’s roots lie in a “Fairy Tale”, check out this week’s Moviehole Hole Cast.
Re: The Man of Steel

Oh God please don't let them go towards Superman: Earth One for source in Zack Synder's Superman. I've never read something written by someone who swears they've had a life long love of Superman and gets it wrong at every turn.
Re: The Man of Steel

Oh God please don't let them go towards Superman: Earth One for source in Zack Synder's Superman. I've never read something written by someone who swears they've had a life long love of Superman and gets it wrong at every turn.

Its awful.
Superman isnt a brooding, hoodie wearing, angst ridden punk.