Broke and happy
The best is Salkind who is nuts calling Brando nuts. 

I disagree, for me the tornado was more powerful, not cause of the CGI, but cause you could see the Clark's struggle for not being able to act.
But overall Costner Pa is way more heartwarming and fatherly than Ford's IMO.
That's because it's not fake, it does correlate because the mass death isn't Supe's responsibility in MoS, that hour of uplifting speeches and lectures leads to Supes' both motivation and doubt for saving manking.
It's has certainly more heart and correlation than the scene where Lois dies in S1 where despite Jor-El's insistence to not interfere with human history ala "Lion King", contradicts the scene that follows, removing the little empathy I felt when Supes found Lois dead, without mentioning the fact that he cried more for Lois than for his own father.
Like I said, nostalgia armor.
That scene was so horribly blocked and frustrating to watch, from a filmmaking perspective. Clark could have just as easily sprinted over there, without revealing any special powers, and gotten his dad out. Instead with have Kevin standing there, sticking his hand out for 20 seconds before the CGI twister whisks him to Oz.
If a car flew on Pa, killing him instantly, then it would have been more shocking, leaving Clark helpless. The heart attack works MUCH better for me since there really ISN'T anything Clark could do. "All those powers and I couldn't even save him." Less=More, but what do I know?
You think there is heart. But there really isn't. The reason why is, everything during the first 2 halvs of the film are completely ignored for action. There was no pay off, like i've said, there was no emotional core during those scenes. It was punching, and people dying. That doesn't create drama.
That scene was so horribly blocked and frustrating to watch, from a filmmaking perspective. Clark could have just as easily sprinted over there, without revealing any special powers, and gotten his dad out. Instead with have Kevin standing there, sticking his hand out for 20 seconds before the CGI twister whisks him to Oz.
If a car flew on Pa, killing him instantly, then it would have been more shocking, leaving Clark helpless. The heart attack works MUCH better for me since there really ISN'T anything Clark could do. "All those powers and I couldn't even save him." Less=More, but what do I know?
You think there is heart. But there really isn't. The reason why is, everything during the first 2 halvs of the film are completely ignored for action. There was no pay off, like i've said, there was no emotional core during those scenes. It was punching, and people dying. That doesn't create drama.
That scene was so horribly blocked and frustrating to watch, from a filmmaking perspective. Clark could have just as easily sprinted over there, without revealing any special powers, and gotten his dad out. Instead with have Kevin standing there, sticking his hand out for 20 seconds before the CGI twister whisks him to Oz.
If a car flew on Pa, killing him instantly, then it would have been more shocking, leaving Clark helpless. The heart attack works MUCH better for me since there really ISN'T anything Clark could do. "All those powers and I couldn't even save him." Less=More, but what do I know?
You think there is heart. But there really isn't. The reason why is, everything during the first 2 halvs of the film are completely ignored for action. There was no pay off, like i've said, there was no emotional core during those scenes. It was punching, and people dying. That doesn't create drama.
Because there is. There's themes that still resonate. Those films work because they were made in a time where things weren't so cynical.
You keep saying "you think there's heart, but there isn't" without actually giving reasons why, I don't "think" there is heart, I know it cause I can see it and feel it, you only give your opinion, and you opinion chooses to ignore the obvious heart that this movie has, I told you that the 1st part of the movie, all of it leads to the action that follows, there's no denying that.
And you're right, that doesn't create drama, in the CGI fights there's no drama, but there is either before the fights or after the fights.
You are right, I've always had a problem with this scene, it could have been executed much better, but I find the concept of Clark unable to act in order to trust his father much more powerful than the heart attack, but in fact I chose the heart attack scene over the tornado due to the execution.
But TDK works so well even with all the cynicism.
Avengers is fun in the sun, it could almost be a 60s Annette Funicello beach movie its so damn groovy.
I can't explain it because there's nothing to explain. The scenes felt forced, and not real. I can compare it to Super 8. A film I do like. But I am aware that the film isn't showing me real genuine human emotions. It's showing me a forced, manipulated emotional core. It pulls on your heart strings because it was manufactured that way. It's not something that you feel occurs naturally on screen.
Shawshank Redemption, Everything plays out naturally, and you understand the two main characters, and what they mean to each other by the end. The end makes you feel something because there's something there. Something real that resonates with you personally.
Man of Steel doesn't let you have any of that. It shows you things, and manipulates you into thinking what you're feeling is real. But it really isn't.
Super 8 does tug on my heart strings a bit. But there's nothing that resonates with me afterward. Fun movie. But all fake.